Inside DigitasLBi XD: Anastasia Ovcharova, Senior Experience Designer

Christine Aiko Beck
Stop, Drop, & Scroll
6 min readApr 3, 2017

Inside DigitasLBi XD is an interview series of the Boston XD team’s “Unicorn of the Month.”

Anastasia in Beacon Hill, Boston

Where are you from?

I was born in the city of Chelyabinsk, the 9th largest city in Russia and one of its most important industrial centers. The name may sound familiar — it was in international headlines when a meteor exploded over the city in 2013. What you may not have read in the news is the meme about the resilient people of Chelyabinsk (cуровые челябинцы). The meme originated as a metaphor for the main local industry, which is heavy industry — metallurgy and military machinery, which requires tough workers who can withstand its harsh working conditions. I already regret revealing this fact; I can just see my coworkers posting gifs on Slack with my face next to tanks and burning flames in the background.

Another remarkable fact about Chelyabinsk is that the border connecting Europe and Asia goes right through the city. So Chelyabinsk is called a gateway to Siberia. I was a tour guide there, so I should stop before I start giving you the whole history of my hometown.

Translation: “Waffle maker in Chelyabinsk”

Did you always want to be a designer? If not, how did you choose design for your career?

In my heart I always wanted to be a designer, but I didn’t know that I could have a design career until I was on my way to working on another career. But due to a series of circumstances, I eventually became a designer.

As a kid I was always creating something — oil paintings, sculptures, making jewelry or clothes. Creative thinking came naturally to me and I won awards without even trying. However, growing up in the 90s in Russia, a creative career wasn’t an option if you wanted to make a decent living. Therefore, I decided to go to Pedagogical University to devote my life to the noble profession of teaching foreign languages. As I started working, I saw a lot of flaws in the education system, specifically in teaching foreign languages. One of my professors encouraged me to use my problem-solving skills and research opportunities to improve the way people study foreign languages. While I was doing this research, I had the opportunity to come to the US. When I was in Boston (the educational capital of the US), I decided to study the American educational system by becoming a student here.

I couldn’t miss the opportunity to enroll in the Graphic Design program. Just a few semesters in, I got an internship offer… and then another one and another one. Soon, I realized that design was my true calling and that it could actually pay my bills. I also realized I didn’t need to revolutionize the educational system of Russia. Through various jobs and freelancing opportunities, I’ve explored different areas of design including print marketing, instructional design, and website design, all of which led me to experience design.

Members of the Digitas XD team

What led you to Digitas?

I came to Digitas because the position of XD designer allowed me to apply my broad design skills and psychology background while working closely with other capabilities, and taking their perspective into consideration. I was also excited to be a part of a big team of designers because in past experience I was either the only designer or worked with a very small group of designers.

What do you like about working at an agency?

You mean besides the fact that everyone is drop-dead gorgeous and super talented? OK, it is true that I love to be a part of the most talented bunch of well-dressed people. These people are also amazing to be around, and our XD lunches always have the most hilarious conversations. Aside from the people, the opportunity to work on projects that impact many lives is pretty incredible.

What types of projects do you find inspiring?

I think all projects are inspiring in their own way. If I see that the end product that I’ve worked on is making a positive impact on people’s lives, that’s inspiring to me. If someone created a budget as a first step in the journey to financial stability, that is inspiring. If someone’s day got off to a good start because they saved time by pre-ordering coffee on their mobile device, that’s inspiring.

What are your career goals? What are you hoping for?

One of my primary career goals is to be satisfied with what I am doing. Constantly upgrading my knowledge and growing as a professional is another important career goal that I pursue.

What are some of your favorite tools?

I love, love, love Sketch. I also enjoy old-fashioned tools: a pen and a piece of paper. And recently I found a new tool. It’s called a pillow. If I come up with a great idea in my dreams, that pillow is my tool, right?

Favorite sites for inspiration?

I tend to not limit my sources of inspiration to sites that collect the best designs. Instead, I look for inspirational and thought-provoking talks on, and in behavioral economics, research studies and podcasts. In addition, I tend to put myself in the shoes of the user while I do everyday tasks. I take notes of problems I encounter and write down possible solutions. Whenever I seem to run out of creative juice, I go back to these old notes and use them as inspiration for groundbreaking ideas and revolutionary experiences.

What do you like to do outside of work?

When I am not working, I squeeze the life out of every day. Travel, cooking and fitness are some of the activities that provide me with opportunities that open my mind, and remind me not to take things for granted and to cherish the differences in cultures.

I like to push my boundaries with travel. I’m lucky enough to have experienced all kinds of travel: from camping on the Cape to 5-star resorts with a personal butler in the Dominican Republic; from backpacking through Thailand to a private tour guide and driver in Myanmar; and from hiking locally in the Blue Hills to ignoring all warning signs and completing an almost 20-mile hike in the Grand Canyon in 10 hours. I surprise even myself with my travels and it puts me out of my comfort zone and helps me grow as a person.

When I’m not traveling or working, I’m probably pinning recipes to my Pinterest boards, attending Cooking and Science Harvard Lectures, or cooking in my kitchen while dancing bachata.

To burn off calories I work out 7 days a week. Thanks to amazing instructors at Equinox, I can eat all the delicious food that comes within my line of sight, and maintain a healthy weight and a sane mind. Blasting EDM with a group of dedicated people, all sweating while doing jumping jacks, is a complete stress eraser after a long day at work. Equinox has my favorite yoga, too. You just lay down and do nothing but find internal peace. I guess I go for extremes with my workouts, too.

Anastasia at the Grand Canyon

Anything else you’d like to share?

I’m very honored to be picked as a Unicorn of the Month and getting the opportunity to do this interview. I hope you found something interesting.

The views expressed in this post are that of the authors and may not reflect the views of the agency or company.

