The World has had Enough of Russian War Crimes and Terror

For decades Moscow has been terrorizing the world by invading its peaceful neighbors, supporting authoritarian regimes across the globe, and poisoning its dissidents. Using its natural resources and vast military spending to blackmail the civilized world, Russia has been nurturing its dream to bring the Soviet Union Back to life. Now, Ukraine is their only obstacle on that path to darkness.

I am not a professional journalist, hence my writing style is far from perfect (in fact, it`s my first Medium article), and I am not a war expert either. Moreover, I`m overwhelmed with emotions since Russia invaded my country, endangering my entire family as well as many other people I care deeply about. But still, I want to share my thoughts on the topic because I believe that words if they come from the heart can be more powerful than bullets.

David and Goliath

Russia indeed outnumbers and outguns Ukraine, but Ukrainians defend their homes while Russians are invaders, unwanted and condemned by the entire civilized world. They expected a warm welcome but faced fierce resistance, what was supposed to be a promenade turned into hell.
Russia has already lost over 9000 troops and many more are injured (according to Ukrainian officials), but it seems that Kremling does not care and is determined to send more countrymen to death. What for?

What makes the difference is the morale which is sky high among Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, while Russian troops look demoralized. Failures to capture Kyiv and Kharkiv, and many other ineffective on-ground operations led to the change of tactics — i.e., to strike civilian targets to spread panic.

Russian air/missile strikes on predominantly residential areas of Ukrainian cities destroyed hospitals, schools, and homes. The civilian death toll adds to the already long list of the Kremlin`s war crimes.

Town of Irpin, Ukraine, after Russian airstrike

Due to international support, including supplies of weapons and ammunition, Ukraine has significantly increased its military capacity. David defeated Goliath with a stone, while Ukraine has Javelins and Bayraktar drones. Of course, the weakest spot is air, which is why we persistently ask NATO to close the sky over Ukraine to stop Russian strikes on its cities. After all, it`s not only about Ukraine. There are 15 nuclear reactors in Ukraine, and one of them has already been attacked by Russian tanks today.

“Zero” losses

Unsurprisingly, Kremlin keeps lying about its losses in Ukraine, spreading fake news about imaginary victories through state-controlled TV channels. Meanwhile, Putin wants to impose martial law and mobilize reservists. I wonder why? Pentagon says that “90% of Russian troops amassed for war are now in Ukraine” … but they still need to call up reservists.

Putin invaded Crimea in 2014 without a single shot, and his popularity soared, but this time is different. That is why Ukraine spares no effort to break through the wall of propaganda and fake narratives and tell Russians the truth. If you google, you will find a lot of videos of captured Russian soldiers calling their relatives and explaining what`s going on.

Briefing of captured Russian policemen in Ukraine

Economic losses

Although Kremlin can lie about its military losses, it can`t hide the devastating economic impact of recent sanctions and international isolation. The Soviet Union did not survive the iron curtain, and modern Russia has even fewer chances. Too many Russians are spoiled with western values and lifestyles, including top Kremlin officials and their children.

An investment analyst has already drunk on live TV to the death of the Russian stock market…well, I can only add — cheers, to the death of the Russian economy.

#StandwithUkraine #StopRussianAggression



Pavlo Sydorenko
Stop russian aggression against Ukraine

Head of Legal Ops & Analytics for an in-house team of over 500 lawyers | 15 + years of overall experience in Analytics | Ph.D. in International Economics