Day 5 : Transparency update #StopTheWalk

Published in
1 min readMay 22, 2020

With trust comes responsibility!

Hello Donors,

Today is 5th day of our campaign, what started as a feeling of “helplessness” in our hearts transcended to take a form of #StopTheWalk campaign! And with your support and donations that “feeling” has snowballed into a “Movement”

As your support came, in the form of donations — more “heart-full souls” joined us as volunteers to arrange transport for migrant workers in Hyderabad, Vijayawada & Anakapalle.

Our ground volunteers — Koutilya, Abhishek, Subbu and Srinivas @ Metchel, Hyderabad

By the end of Day 4, we successfully helped 2053 migrant workers get back home to Bihar, Orissa & West Bengal.

To, keep our efforts completely transparent ‘inside-out’ — We are opening up data on beneficiaries and fund utilization in this public document.

Kindly let us know your feedback and suggestions on comments section of our campaign page. Also, please subscribe to this publication to collect more smiles thorough this journey, along with us :)




I come up with exciting ideas, and often build great teams to implement some of them. #Entrepreneur.