Donor Speaks

Gaurav Deevela
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2020

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world.”

It was a peak summer afternoon that I had to take my daughter for her scheduled vaccination. As we set out for our appointment, I saw on the other side of the road plenty of migrants walking. However, what struck my eye was a migrant worker carrying his son on his shoulder (approximately the same age as my daughter) with a small towel wrapped around the toddler to protect from the scoring sun. Seeing this my heart ached, while one part of me wanted to take U-turn and go help them, the other side was resisting the thought cause I was getting late for the appointment, scared to go and interact with them because of the uninvited pandemic ( safety concerns). Nevertheless, that sight and the guilt that I didn’t help them lingered on in my mind making me feel selfish and miserable.

The migrant workers are responsible in many ways for making our life comfortable and I wanted to help them being mindful of the restrictions set by the government. This is when I received a text from my friend Trisha about the #Stopthewalk by PC Foundation and I didn’t have to think twice about contributing as I know the passion and dedication the foundation has in every initiative they take up. I felt so thankful and relieved that I, in my own small way, could do my bit in making a difference in someone else’s life. As they rightly say, “ To make a difference in someone’s life, you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, perfect or beautiful, You just have to CARE”

if you are a donor and want to write in your experiences and what nudged you to donate, you should write to us. Your experiences can further nudge people.

  • Sara


