The Importance of Organized Secularism in Politics

Juhem Navarro-Rivera, PhD
Published in
1 min readOct 7, 2019

New article in The Humanist Online

Infographic courtesy of The Humanist

In July, my organization, Socioanalítica Research, conducted the Secular Voices Survey, which asked a nationally representative sample of nonreligious Americans about their affiliation with an organized secular group. The listed groups included longstanding organizations such as American Atheists, the American Humanist Association, Center for Inquiry, Freedom from Religion Foundation, and the Secular Coalition for America. Other categories included membership in an online group (such as an atheist-only Facebook group), or meeting fellow nonreligious people in local groups. In the aggregate, over one-quarter (26 percent) of nones have belonged at some point to a group, whether a national organization, a local group, or an online community, and 17 percent say they currently belong to at least one of those. However, the vast majority of nones (74 percent) have never been part of the organized nontheistic or secular movement.

Read more at The Humanist.

