Self-Interview with Team Storichain

Published in
6 min readJun 19, 2019

Your Story, Make it Asset, Get Crypto

Anyone can be the creator and investor of the story.

1. Why did we get to do this project?

  1. Identical: Because I’ve been working on a movie and I’ve been feeling a real problem

2. Industryally: The film industry’s middleman excess profits do not fall on writers and audiences.

3. Technically : I want to make a breakthrough in the way we create our own work.

2. What problem are we trying to solve?

  1. Original writers tangled with unfair secondary copyright contracts.
  2. Production companies that deal with the risks of writers (such as payment for writing) that are uncertain)
  3. Production companies who can’t find a way to resell idle story rights
  4. Production companies that go for funding based on scenarios with no quantitative data
  5. The problem of delaying the payment of writing fees between writers and producers.
  6. Distribution of Revenue Between Collaborative Writers
  7. Storing contributions without falsification when creating collaboration
  8. Ordinary people were unable to invest in the early stage of scenario development such as movie/drama : Middlemen won’t open the room and Open it to the public and it’s a matter of transparency and complexity.

3. Why blockchain?

  1. Non-full-face trust transaction
  2. What makes a script transaction that the mobile era couldn’t achieve possible in the dotcom era a non-full-face trust transaction
  3. The Notary Effect of Creative Contribution
  4. What makes the script ASSET-enabled as an investment target product
  5. This is the age of data workers. The only thing that isn’t being treated fairly is creative labor data
  6. Everyone evaluates with the results of his creation. We try to compensate for the data production of the labor process, not the result
  7. It provides opportunities for ordinary people to invest in scripts that are cultural contents with extra funds, ensuring transparency of settlement

4. What are we going to do on-chain?

  1. Store contribution data
  2. There are three types of contribution data based on user-group behavior:(1) Creation contribution, (2) reaction contribution, (2) support contribution
  3. There are three types of contribution data according to time: (1) Potential contribution, (2) confirmed contribution, (3) cumulative contribution
  4. The original story is not stored in the blockchain.

5. The hash value of the original text is stored on a regular basis for notifying effects.

6. Story original text is stored in IPFS and central server DB

5. limits of blockchain

  1. Blockchain is based on structured data and behavioral economics using tokeneconomic and consensus
  2. Blockchain cannot solve all problems. You need to take full advantage of the application layer to solve it
  3. Thus, technical decentralization is only possible in part, and the philosophical decentralization of the ecosystem takes place in the course of user consensus

6. What problem do you want to solve with blockchain?

  1. There are three main views that we see in blockchain.
  • Database: Blockchain as non-reversible shared data
  • Cryptocurrency: The user motivation based on Behavioral economics
  • Consensus: Blockchain as a Social Democratic Consensus Method

2. The problem Storichain solves in the same way as above

  • Databese: Many people make creative contributions to a story and store their contributions without falsification. Public confidence in the transparency of settlement and investment in the story
  • Protocol Business: To ensure that third-party operators can continue to serve story data as public data, even if the business for-profit Storichain disappears
  • Cryptocurrency: Making writers, readers, producers act
  • Consensus: The minimum maturity of the story is agreed upon by the group of three customers participating in the story. It is the story growth index that quantifies the least fun of the story and shows it visually. The three parties that make this come to an agreement through their respective responsible actions

3. The three parties are working together to build a common goal: a structure that cannot be compensated unless they work hard to grow the story growth index, and thus form a consensus on the quality of the story together

4. range of decentralization : Smartcontact deals with the labour figures of the workers who make the goods, i.e. the logic of calculating contribution and contribution rate

7. The merits of this project

  1. No reliability issues for offline data: No data trust issues associated with offline activity result data
  2. The potential growth rate is very large. Nichi Market, which is not receiving much attention compared to size of market and growth rate. The intrinsic value of the token is linked to the product of the story
  3. Domestic Web Novels Doubled Annual Growth Rate
  • As the video media market grows, so does the script market to create the video.
  • If the growth of the electric car market is predicted figuratively, investors focus on the electric battery market.

4. The story industry becomes fully digital platform, but cannot be activated because it cannot conduct non-face-to-face trust transactions(Because notation was not readily available online)

5. Takenize the story, making it easy for the public to invest. Ordinary people have low returns even if they want to invest in banks and stocks. Provide the public with the opportunity to invest in the story before it becomes a film with a barrier

6. Fast exit intellectual property investment products from individual investors

8. Why should this team do this project?

  • Creators + Developers
  • A team of film directors, writers with insight into the story industry, and developers with more than 15 years of hands-on coding, launching, operation and sales of web/app
  • Identity and Moral Responsibility to the Story Industry

9. Who is the beneficiary of the token?

  • Anyone who contributes to story growth (Token Holder)

10. What is the token model pattern?

  • Work token + profit-sharing economic model : a kind of utility token
  • Staking tokens gives you the right to grow the good
  • Tokens with higher profitability only when they grow goods together

11. Token intrinsic value

  1. Based on the contribution rate and the Growth Index of the story
  2. Minimum adequacy of one story may result in agreement between the traders when trading fundamentals
  3. Based on one story, when a second edition is published or filmed, we can estimate the rate of growth that creates the added value of a token by collecting data on how much copyrighted and published the Growth Index story is
  4. Generating inflation based on story real-world output and quality
  5. Profit Share Economy Model
  6. To share the benefits of participating and growing goods (=stories) requires a TORI that must only be used at the minimum DAPP
  7. A structure in which the rotation rate of the TORI is replaced by the points, currency, reputation, and voting rights, and occurs whenever the activity in the ecosystem is exhausted/acquired
  8. Minimum TORI is required for fork and branch to expand the story

12. Token Velocity

three main uses

(1) Quantity of quality story
(2) Digital items to be sold by web applications
(Digital items that meet with responsibilities and rewards in an ecological mechanism)
(3) Alliance content providers using the protocol, the number of web applications, and the number of panels in the creator

13. Token Scarcity

  • Producer-group user staking in story (support)
  • Make scarcity by locking as much as the amount of staking

14. What is our current focus?

  • Tokeneconomy simulation, numericalization.
  • Industry stakeholder partnerships to pay for protocols
  • choose a sidechain

15. Why should you hold a TORI token from Storichain?

  • Having the power to support a story when the reward through the growth index it generates is higher than the market throw
  • When there is a demand to create and purchase various items centered on the story, the investor can provide a Slot to sell to the demand
  • Story items that require reaction items, game items, character items, and premium ticket must purchase TORI from Crypto Holder at Slot




A developer is good at React, GraphQL on Blockchain, IoT, EMS system.