4 Questions to Help Your Team Celebrate and Adapt During the COVID-19 Disruption

Michael Margolis / Storied
Storied Inc.
Published in
5 min readMar 24, 2020
Giving you a virtual fist bump because we’re #socialdistancing

With the emergence of COVID-19 and our rapidly changing world, we’re willing to bet you’ve had to make some pretty jarring changes in your work and life. Most people are working from home. People are practicing social distancing. Various cities are shutting down. Life feels different.

As we adapt to these new conditions together (in families, teams, and social circles), it’s easy to focus solely on the problems. But as leaders, how can we help our teams celebrate and adapt amidst the disruption? How can we reframe problems into possibilities? The adjustment helps set a positive tone and foster hope.

To shift the tone from problems to possibility at Storied, we asked the team four questions:

1. What positive societal changes do you see emerging from this?

2. What are you taking advantage of during this downtime?

3. What are ways you’re making this easier on yourself?

4. How do you seek out joy?

Below you’ll find the answers from various Storied Team members, as we try to see the big picture and adjust to a new normal. This exercise made us feel more positive about the changing times and we all learned something from each other in the process.

We hope it does the same for you.

The Storied Team connecting virtually over coffee

What positive societal changes do you see emerging from this?

“As a society, we’re becoming more other-centered. The global shared focus and efforts around COVID-19 show that we can come together and accomplish great things as one people. It’s my hope that this example will lead to more of the same in the long run. Less “Me” and more “We”.”

“I think people are making an effort to be more in touch with family and friends right now, and relationships are being strengthened.”

“This will bring us closer together — with greater compassion for those in need, and a stronger hand of government to ensure the economic and social well being of its people. I expect a huge paradigm shift in the coming years.”

“An acceleration of technologies including social media/communications tools that shorten the distance and allows for greater connection, intimacy, and cohesion despite physical distancing. Technologies like 3D printing are being used to innovate in the face of medical supply shortages like valves for IV bags in Italian ERs.”

“An acceleration of new industries: online education, telemedicine, work from home, virtual conferences.”

“I expect a huge creative and cultural renaissance that comes from periods of reset, hibernation, or collective hardship. Isaac Newton discovered gravity during a pandemic. Shakespeare wrote King Lear during an outbreak in London. I think the time we’re living in is just as much a period of incubated creativity as it is a period of change and uncertainty.”

“A greater focus on people over things.”

What are you taking advantage of during this downtime?

“My husband and I both work from home, so every Tuesday we go out to dinner; sometimes it’s shopping, a movie, or show. These days, it’s a quiet dinner at home with our college age son… and binge watching Friday Night Lights on Hulu.”

“Cooking — three meals a day!!! OMG. No more delivery, takeout, or eating out. Eating family meals at the table every night for dinner is a beautiful ritual.”

“Deepening my spiritual practice and self care.”

“I’m taking a hyper-close look at personal finances, lifestyle choices, and being more frugal. ”

“Reaching out to the 12+ key people in my life more often, and holding them CLOSER.”

“I feel like I am connecting on a deeper level with my people. Albeit virtually, we are talking more frequently, showing up, and holding space for one another. Even in physical distancing, I am being more social than ever.”

“I’ve been getting outside by carving out 30 minutes to one hour to go for a walk, play with the dog, and throw the ball around. Even if it’s chilly, that fresh air is a reset.”

What are ways you’re making this easier on yourself?

“Eating healthy meals on a consistent structured basis, and getting lots of healthy sleep.”

“I have a short list of 12 people I’m holding close and reaching out to regularly.”

“Lots of texting and virtual video with friends.”

“I’m laughing as much as possible.”

“Morning and night verbal gratitude lists.”

“Talking through the emotional and physical transitions with my husband.”

“Putting time on the calendar for FUN, which comes in many forms, but it’s a reminder to make those times happen.”

“I just bought like 7 different types of bubbly waters and snapples to make my flavors different throughout the day. Nothing sucks more than a poor bevy selection.”

How do you seek out joy?

“Funny memes and gifs!”

“I’m loving stories about individuals and businesses stepping up in service to others.”

“Running errands for elderly neighbors, regular family/friend check-ins, virtual gatherings.”

“I’m loving internet memes related to COVID-19.. Anything that makes me laugh, smile, and gives me something to share with others. I have shared a few in our slack #sharing channel.”

“I enjoy my social media feeds within reason. I love seeing how my friends around the world are adapting, expressing, and creating. Inspirational posts and funny posts. Als lots of ways people are finding to serve via virtual hangouts, free access to their online courses, etc…Loving the come-together spirit.”

“Stories of tremendous generosity and compassion, particularly from large companies and multimillionaires”

Communicate Like a Leader

This is, more than ever, a leadership moment. If you can help your team celebrate and adapt by reframing problems to possibilities, you’ll create an environment of hope for your team.

What are you doing today to make the disruption easier on yourself and your team? Let us know in the comments. We’d love to hear from you.

Storied is a strategic messaging firm that specializes in innovation and disruption. To learn more, visit: www.getstoried.com



Michael Margolis / Storied
Storied Inc.

Storied is a strategic messaging firm specializing in disruption and innovation. We eat lots of craft chocolate.