Adventures of the Magical Girl and the Flying Horse — Chapter 4— Pluto calling

Mayuresh Phadke
Writings by Mayuresh
5 min readDec 30, 2016

Christmas holidays were on, and Tinku and her friends Mini and Leela were bored. Their parents had enough of the kids watching cartoons and playing games on their mobiles. All TVs and mobiles were off limits and the kids were thinking of what to play.

They were talking about aliens and spaceships, when something like a toy helicopter started circling over them. It was a odd helicopter .. it had a fan on top, but it did not have a tail like normal ones. Everyone wondered whether someone from their apartment complex had bought a new kind of remote controlled flying toy.

The toy finally landed between the kids, and out of it came three small toys wearing something like space suits. This was awesome ! What a cool toy, everyone thought.

One of the toys started speaking

“Arccggsh hdadai adnbaba ndjjabd ansakdn hhgsgsg kaha …”

No one understood what the sounds were .. Maybe the toys were malfunctioning.

The toys spoke again ..

“Sorry, we spoke in our language by mistake. We will now speak in your language.

We live on the planet Pluto. We heard that a magical girl lives on planet Earth and we have come to ask for her help. We have very limited supply of Nitrogen in our tanks for breathing and need to go back quickly.”

The children were surprised, confused, happy, afraid, everything at once. How could aliens be so small? How would they live on Pluto, which is so far from the sun and cold? Who was this magical girl? And how could she help the aliens?

The aliens continued

“As you know Pluto is very cold. We live under the ground, where it is a bit hotter. Recently a underground monster has been troubling us. Getting into our cities and destroying them. All our modern machinery is no match against the monster.

A wise old man told us that even tough Earth does not have any advanced machinery yet, there is a magical girl named Tinku, who would be able to save us from the monster.

We request Tinku to please accompany us to Pluto and help us.”

Mini and Leela were even more surprised. Tinku .. A magical girl?

Tinku said, “Ok. I will help you. But Mini and Leela should come along as well.”

Mini and Leela had given up trying to understand what was going on. Tinku took out her magic wand and said

“ Abra-ka-dabra gili-gili-chu .. Make us small enough to fit into this spaceship.”

And suddenly all three of them were as small as the aliens from Pluto. The aliens had got with them special space suits with oxygen cylinders, since they knew that the people from earth would not be able to breathe in the Nitrogen filled atmosphere of Pluto.

They climbed into the spaceship and off they went. Once in the spaceship, the aliens got rid of their space suits and Tinku and her friends could take a good look at them. They were somewhat like lizards, with long bodies and 8 very short hands or feet. They mostly walked on all of them, using the forward most hands to operate the controls of the spaceship.

The spaceship was very fast, and in a few minutes they had reached Pluto. When they got down, there were around a thousand Pluto people gathered to welcome the aliens from Earth.

Tinku, Mini and Leela got down and tried to walk. But they were nearly weightless due to the very low gravity of Pluto, and found it easier to move around in a jumping kind of motion.

They were soon taken underground in a car like vehicle. Where they saw a huge underground city, with buildings, roads and lot of vehicles moving around.

The leader of the Pluto people and the wise old man came to meet them and told them about the underground monster who was making a lot of trouble.

Tinku decided to call on her flying horse for help. “Abra-ka-dabra gili-gili-chu, Pegasus my flying horse come here. And please bring your friends Rocky and Sandy along.”

And behold .. there were three flying horses in front of the girls. Tinku got onto Pegasus, while Mini got up on Sandy and Leela on Rocky.

They asked where the monster was last seen and flew towards that place. Tinku knew that it would be difficult to fight the monster under the ground and wanted to get it on the surface of Pluto.

They saw that the monster had dug up many tunnels under the city, and some buildings had collapsed due to it. The girls entered the tunnel from three different directions and stared searching for the monster.

They finally found a nice Rat like creature which was digging up the tunnels. It did not look like a monster at all. So instead of attacking it, Tinku decided to try to talk to it.

She did a bit of magic and she was able to speak to the creature.

The creature said

“I am not from this planet. I was living on a comet which crashed into one of the small planets near Pluto. I somehow got blown onto Pluto and have been living here.

My skin is nearly like metal, and the weapons the Pluto people have cannot hurt me.

I don’t want to hurt them either, but I need to eat a lot of soil, and unfortunately they live underground, and sometimes I end up destroying their cities.”

Mini had an idea. She knew there were thousands of small of planets just like Pluto, and maybe the creature could live on one of them, which did not have any life.

Both the Pluto people and the Rat creature liked the idea. The Pluto scientists quickly found a planet near Pluto which did not have any living creatures, and send the Rat creature to that planet in a space ship.

All the Pluto people were very happy with the Earth aliens who had saved them from the underground monster.

Mini, Leela and Tinku were also happy that they could help both the Rat creature and the Pluto people.

Soon they were back on earth and grown back to their original size.

Tinku had a last bit of magic to do ..

“Abra-ka-dabra gili-gili-chu let Mini and Leela forget all the magic and adventure”

With that Mini and Leela forgot all about their adventure to Pluto, and were once again getting bored and arguing about whether spaceships and aliens are real.

Only Tinku was smiling to herself and thinking back about the trip to Pluto !



Mayuresh Phadke
Writings by Mayuresh

Dreamer | Interests: Food, Cooking, Music, Movies, Poetry