Adventures of the Magical Girl and the Flying Horse — Chapter 1 -Introduction

Mayuresh Phadke
Writings by Mayuresh
2 min readOct 7, 2016

Once there was a girl named Tinku. She studied in 3rd standard. To all outward appearances she was a normal girl, who liked playing with her friends, eating chocolates, and hated homework.

But … there was a secret which no one knew … Tinku had magical powers !

When Tinku had lost her tooth, she has asked the tooth fairy for a magic wand, that would give her magical powers. The tooth fairy had obliged and the next day Tinku found a magic wand under her pillow !

Tinku was overjoyed. And waved the magic wand and asked for lots of chocolates … Suddenly the room started filling up with chocolates of all shapes and sizes. Tinku was very happy and started eating her favorite chocolate … Oh no .. The chocolates just kept pouring in, and soon she had no place to sit in the room. The chocolates were still kept pouring in, and Tinku ran out from the room .. Shouting for her mother .. “Aai Aai .. There are too many chocolates in my room .. and they don’t stop.” Her mother was confused .. Never had Tinku complained about too many chocolates before. Before her mother could say anything, the chocolates started flowing into the hall .. And soon had filled up the whole house and pouring out of the windows.

Tinku did not know what to do and started crying. The fairy appeared again and told Tinku, “You have a magic wand .. but don’t use it for getting chocolates .. or toys. Use it for something which normal people cannot do. And don’t let other people see you doing Magic. Some people are afraid of magic and may try to harm you if they know you are magical” Then the fairy told Tinku’s mother .. “Keep this secret to yourself, don’t tell anyone that Tinku has magical powers.”

Saying this the fairy disappeared. The chocolates also disappeared. Leaving only a box of Tinku’s favorite chocolates on the table.

Tinku decided that she will not use her magic for things which her parents already got for her and use it only for really magical things !



Mayuresh Phadke
Writings by Mayuresh

Dreamer | Interests: Food, Cooking, Music, Movies, Poetry