A Moment In Eternity

María Entrialgo
Stories and tales
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2014
Photograph by Elena del Rivero Fernández

Time marched by to the beat of the water drops. The woman lay back in the bath, naked and freezing from the cold, asking herself what time and day it was. From there, the world was seen through a misted window. It was sometimes possible to see shadows crossing or hear lost words; but they were nothing more than unrelated parts of distant lives. The life of the living.

However, there had always been a moment, one day a year, when the veil would be lifted and everything would seem clearer. At that very instant worlds would collide and anything could happen. That thought made the woman smile, it was like going home again. It was as if she had never made that decision.

An unmistakable click signaled the door knob of the bathroom opening: the moment had come. She leant one hand on the edge of the bathtub to lift herself up and stood up. Pale and naked she faced human eyes which looked at her in almost misbelief. Satisfied, she saw how their skin turned white and cold like hers and clearly heard, this time yes, the sound of distress coming from the mouth of a living person. Maybe this time, finally, she would gain a companion for life.

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