Nostalgia; The Fallen Leaves Will Eventually Return to the Root

The Story behind a journey back to one’s birthplace.

Stories Behind Photography


When we were young, we would like to go out to see how big the world is. We would like to try new things and meet new people. Everything is so attracting and encouraging to us.

Somehow after a while, we feel tired. Looking for something we used to, we remember that there is a place for us to rest. A place called, home. There is an old Chinese proverb goes with this affection, “Though a tree grows ever so high, its fallen leaves will eventually return to the root.” That is, “getting home.”

“Throughout its history Sneden’s Landing has always been home to the eccentric and the artistic… today it is filled with movie stars, dancers, directors …, and me.” —Rodney Smith”

“Somewhere over the Rainbow” photograph by Rodney Smith

Somewhere over the Rainbow” is a series made by Rodney Smith, a photographer with eclectic sensibility. He uses his camera to record his birthplace—Sneden’s landing. Along with Rodney’s story about this place, his photos present a stunning sense of beauty. The elegant and artistic atmosphere simply depicts the history of Sneden’s Landing. Born from this small but historical community, Rodney also manages elements reflecting to it—balanced, serene and peaceful—in his photography.

“Somewhere over the Rainbow” photograph by Rodney Smith

#Full story : “Somewhere over the Rainbow
To enjoy more works from the photographer, visit Rodney Smith’s website

“Things are much the same, yet, different.”

They Absent Themselves” photograph by Rebecca McGetrick

Back to the homeland, for some, they might find something different instead. Changes happened to the people, the building and the scenery. How should they embrace the new ones or how could they regain the old ones? For others, never do they want to let go off the pleasing memories and the history about their mother land. And so did they decide to leave a record of it.

“There’s an uneasy realization that once familiar places no longer exist and that once familiar faces no longer recognize you.” —Rebecca McGetrick

They Absent Themselves” photograph by Rebecca McGetrick

Rebecca McGetrick brought up the series of “They Absent Themselves” to explore her rural life in childhood. On the migrant’s way back to their birthplace, more or less they felt upset with the unfamiliar scene. We could never go back to the past. By Rebecca’s photos, we could exactly feel this gloom and depression. Not only the world changed, so do we.

#Full story : They Absent Themselves
To see more, visit Rebecca McGetrick’s website

Inspite of the melancholy, perhaps we can preserve some of our past, and pass it down as a beautiful story before everything fades away.

“I tried to capture what is disappearing and how much still remains.” — Carmelo Eramo

Before Everything Gets Lost Forever ” photograph by Carmelo Eramo
Before Everything Gets Lost Forever ” photograph by Carmelo Eramo

An Italian photographer, Carmelo Eramo, shows us his way of conserving. He went back to Southern Italy, to the old bridge, to the narrow alley and stairway, and to the daily normal life there to create this project. In Before Everything Gets Lost Forever ”, Carmelo attempts to tell the world about what stands here. Never did he forget about this place and neither would he in the future. Sadly, he couldn’t keep it all the same as it used to be. Nonetheless, with his camera, Carmelo is now helping people remembering those stories that should not been forgotten.

#Full Story: Before Everything Gets Lost Forever
To know more about the photographer and his works, visit Carmelo Eramo

Meanwhile, we have already invited lots of talented photographers around the world to share their best works. If we haven’t reached out to you, and you also have a great story to tell, please don’t hesitate, come share it with us on Rinse.

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