Sparkling Beauty through the Lens: Underwater Nude Rock Quarry

When the mermaids are under the spotlights photographed by Neil Craver

Stories Behind Photography


Neil Craver grew up in North Carolina and begun his path as an abstract painter and figurative sculptor. His motivation towards art then transitioned into photography.

“Omni-Phantasmic” -photography by Neil Craver

“Nothing can exist without the photon, and every aspect
is controlled by it’s usage” —Neil Craver

After attending school for commercial photography, Neil soon found himself working full time at an established photography studio specializing in high-end contemporary furniture. Realizing after a couple of years this wasn’t exactly what he desired. So he decided to dedicate himself to his real passion as a fine art photographer. His creations are the exploration of his inner facilities and expression of his original thoughts.

“Omni-Phantasmic” -photography by Neil Craver

The lights and water elements play important roles in Neil’s work. In addition to the pretty portraits of girls under the sun, he makes the photographs stay with a sense of fresh air. Besides, not only does the “Underwater Nude Rock Quarry” portrait the bodies blending with the curves and bubbles, but the series of flowers lying and floating in the water presents a different beauty of the fragrance; a “crystal clear” moment.

“Omni-Phantasmic” -photography by Neil Craver

“This photographic series is a visual voyage of metamorphosis; into the subconscious waters of the mind. The ultimate metaphysical quest into the undercurrent of consciousness.” —Neil Craver

“Omni-Phantasmic” -photography by Neil Craver
“Omni-Phantasmic” -photography by Neil Craver

“It’s meant to be consumed with your emotions, and not simply perceived with your senses. The contingents between drowning and floating, falling and flying, dying and living are some of the main intangible themes of my work. I attempts to emphasize the transcendental meaning behind them; not only with the use of composition and chromatic.” — Neil Craver

“Omni-Phantasmic” -photography by Neil Craver
“Omni-Phantasmic” -photography by Neil Craver
“Omni-Phantasmic” -photography by Neil Craver
“Omni-Phantasmic” -photography by Neil Craver

#For more of his work. kindly visit Neil Craver’s Website

Meanwhile, Rinse have invited lots of talented photographers around the world to share their best works. If we haven’t reached out to you, and you also have a great story to tell, please don’t hesitate to come share it with us on Rinse.

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