Stories About Our Cities. What’s Yours? Episode 2

Cities with stories. The furthest places and the closest issues about us.

Stories Behind Photography


Photo credit/“Apocalyptic Eden” by Jon Lee

“As a photographer who lives on this land, I found an issue and then recorded it. Now, I’m here to tell you all about it.” This might be the simplest thought that triggers photographers to press their shutters. The following series of photographs was inspired by this idea. They were photographed and told by a person living there, closely observing and exuding emotion and affection for their cities.

“La Ciudad de D10S | Devozione

“La Ciudad de D10S | Devozione”-photography and story told by Claudio Menna

Italian photographer Claudio Menna produced a lot for the street photography series of his home city Naples. “Devozione” means “Devotion” in English. It is a story about a religious fest in “Madonna of the Arch,” which was named after the remains of the ancient Roman aqueduct arches. It is an important district of St. Anastasia in Naples. During the festival, Menna captured with the devoted faithful on his camera. People have a great interest and desire to tell and devote their lives to the Madonna. Eyes in the photos are filled with hope and faith.

“La Ciudad de D10S | Devozione”-photography and story told by Claudio Menn
“La Ciudad de D10S | Devozione”-photography and story told by Claudio Menn
“La Ciudad de D10S | Devozione”-photography and story told by Claudio Menn

“I have a thousand faces etched in the minds and hearts in a thousand stories. Basically this is the essence of photography …” — Claudio Menna

#Read the full story: “La Ciudad de D10S | Devozione
#You can find infos on Claudio Menna

“Youngstown, Ohio, presented by Stephen Chalmers, reveals the fact that the place is facing a serious problem, as with many other communities in the US. The Youngstown Iron Sheet and Tube Company (YS&T), based in Youngstown, Ohio was one of the largest steel manufacturers in the world. But when large industries closed down, an economic feedback loop began. People left and abandoned the structures, resulting in more and more vacant lots.

“Youngstown, Ohio -photography and story told by Stephen Chalmers

From the photos, people might think why he took photos of “nothing”? But this is what Chalmers wanted to show. Every day on his way to work, he would pass those abandoned places. He systematically photographed locations where structures once stood. Meanwhile, the “subject” of the photographs is absent. Only the remains and the vacancy were left.

“When these families lose their houses due to economic hardships, the communities lose their collective memory and cultural existence, and for those who stay, living in these deteriorated environments reinforces feelings of hopelessness.”

“Youngstown, Ohio” -photography and story told by Stephen Chalmer
“Youngstown, Ohio” -photography and story told by Stephen Chalmer

#Enjoy the full Story: “Youngstown, Ohio
#For more information about the photographer, visit: Stephen Chalmers

“Apocalyptic Eden” photography and story told by Jon Lee

“Apocalyptic Eden, a series made by Jon Lee, is about a small coastal village that no longer exists in the south of Taiwan. The village was teared down to realize the policy of a “civilized industrial district” by the government. The woods were replaced with factories and just a small part of the coastline was left untouched.

Wealthier people left before the pollution got worse. For those who had no choice but to stay, they are still hoping that the government will help them and take responsibility for what they have done. They wait in vain, enveloped by the shadow of death from the abundance of chemicals all around.

“Apocalyptic Eden” photography and story told by Jon Lee
“Apocalyptic Eden” photography and story told by Jon Lee
“Apocalyptic Eden” photography and story told by Jon Lee

“Ironically, the original seaside beauty was nearly annihilated, and is now altered with an odd but somehow breathtaking night view from the man-built glittering.”—Jon Lee

“Apocalyptic Eden” photography and story told by Jon Lee

#Full Story: “Apocalyptic Eden
#About the photographer: Jon Lee

In the past, you might not have been to or have known the places mentioned here. But stories can come from anywhere, and even grow out of corners not previously noticed. Nowadays, photography not only records them in the form of pictures but raises issues that are of concern regarding every inch of the land we inhabit and the creatures that live on them. “Life experience” is an on-going project about people and their surroundings. This journey of exploration will never end as long as there is concern about our existence and changes that happen to the things around us.
Have you ever thought about your surroundings carefully? Listen, look, and capture them with your camera. Next time it’s your turn to tell us all about it!

Rinse have invited lots of talented photographers around the world to share their best works. If we haven’t reached out to you, and you also have a great story to tell, please don’t hesitate to come share it with us at Rinse.

For more information or photographic stories, follow us to check out more!
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