How is the world in her eyes?

Immersed in the smoke, her memories transferred along with the passage of time. What do they look like now?

Stories Behind Photography


Kay Jan, who lives in Taiwan, is a film director and photographer. She not only films music videos, but also takes photos of concerts. What’s more, her personal photographic series shows the combination of fashion, elegance and fancy.

“She is smoking” is her first photographic series and was exhibited in 2011. It could be seen as a long process of reviewing memories, capturing transformation, and adding depth to the content of the images, which Kay cares a lot about.

Interview with Kay Jan

“She is smoking” photography and story told by Kay Jan

How did you start with photography?
The first job I received as a photographer was taking product shots for Taiwanese brand “Pyjamaz.” Designer Eve saw some photographic works on the internet and thought that we could do these together.

The project with Eve involved taking cameras to visit several girls’ rooms and taking photos that showed a sense of secrecy and privacy. Not until then did I find out about the special and struggling relationship between photographers and their subjects. Although it was the first time I met them, I had to see straight through them to capture the intimacy between their skins and clothes. For this reason, perhaps, I got interested in photography. One after another, good or bad, I just hold my camera and try my best to see through the lens.

Why do you choose BW to present your works?
I like to do the post production. That’s why I like to transfer the photo into the way that can best be displayed. I chose black and white (BW) in the end; it might be because BW can help to focus. Since there are only black and white colors, people are able to imagine more between the spaces of these two.

“She is smoking” photography and story told by Kay Jan

Please tell us something about “She is smoking”.
“She is smoking” is my first series. It’s a collection of memories that transformed into what they are now. I am used to this kind of progression — reviewing photos I took in the past — sometimes I even retook the photos presented on–screen, or materials which I printed casually. With different media but the same memories, I could take different samples from the pieces of reality by adding the passage of time. It’s very fascinating.

Smoking” is a way to describe immersion. To be more accurate, “they” stay in an independent and personal space, displaying the privacy that no one but “themselves” could take a peek at……

( Full series and story of “She is smoking”. )

“She is smoking” photography and story told by Kay Jan

What is the most important thing about photography for you?
I’ve been thinking about this issue recently. Photography can be seen from several aspects. For instance, I had some opportunities to go work abroad this year. For most of the time, I was touring with Deserts Xuan (張懸) and the band overseas. I was touched when staying with them because I found the spirit of how they live for the music. As for me, I want nothing but to become a person in silence. I want to discover things by waiting.

“Waiting” doesn’t mean I have to be passive.

It requires making more observations, including observations about the relationship between people and cities. It’s fun.

When it comes to personal works, I would think in a different way. What I need is to look inside of my heart. What do I want to talk about and why? So I am able to dig out some tiny bits of essential facts.

Therefore, it is important to choose the most appropriate way to reveal what you feel and what you want to communicate from the standpoint you decided.

Please share something about your upcoming work!
I’m always looking for ideas for new works. I’m thinking about the possibility of combining photos and videos in harmony without going against the difference between them. At the same time, to be able to display emotions more realistically, although I’m still trying hard on this.

“She is smoking” photography and story told by Kay Jan

Please recommend a photographer to us worth checking out.
Etang Chen(陳藝堂) is one of my favorite photographers. I receive a strong feeling about culture from his photography. You could look at them more than once. Every time you take a look, you would discover something new. Also, I love JOJO KAO’s works. The people in her photos are always looking straight at the camera. The emotional communication no longer needs languages. It rushes to you directly, which is very attractive.

Please say something to those watching your works.
Actually, I think in modern times, anyone could be a “photographer”.
For example, I taught my mom how to take photos with an iPhone yesterday. I’m looking forward to seeing what she took. All in all, if we pay more attention to where we live, we can see the diversity in the scenery of daily life.

# Full series and story of “She is smoking”.

“She is smoking” photography and story told by Kay Jan

# To see more works form Kay Jan’s website.
# Video works from Kay Jan

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