Fulfillment, My Lover


I feel empty
Empty because I am constantly chasing her. This beautiful, sexy and confident being. I am attracted to her. I am in love with her. I can’t stop thinking about her. Call me crazy, but I am absolutely obsessed with her.
Her name is Fulfillment

A long time ago, before I can remember, Fulfillment suddenly disappeared and in her place, a dark hole began to form.

I ignored the dark hole, but instead consumed what Society asked me to; to be responsible, to pay bills, to be an all-around good citizen. But to my dismay, the hole grew undeniably bigger .

I miss you my beloved Fulfillment

I tried to find you in the wrong men. I hoped you would return as I continued my dance with soceital expectations. I even chased you in a whole other continent but I am yet to find you.

Where are you my precious Fulfillment? I long for you. I care for you. I would die for you.

Come back to me please. At least before I take my last breath.



Isioma Ikpe
Stories, Berries and a cup full of Cherries

Digital Nomad. Free spirit. Socially conscious & African Lit Writer. Plant (ask Belbin)