An Interview With a Labrabull

Inside the mind of Rose a rescued pitbull mix

Stories by Aurora E


Author’s photo/Rose at 16 weeks

We meet many kindred spirits throughout our lives, some human, some animal. And my rescue companion, Rose, is undeniably special.

It started the day I met Rose at an animal shelter.

I briefly stopped in on my way home from work to “look,” you know? Famous last words. I was standing by the small animal habitats admiring the latest fancy rats while deliberating that just maybe it was time to welcome another pair of fuzzy friends into our lives.

An excited volunteer breezed into the room. “Have you seen the puppy??” she asked.

Then another volunteer hurried by, but not before exclaiming, “I’m on intake today, but there is a puppy in the house, room 3!”

I thought carefully for a minute. Did I have time to see the puppy? The decision was already made.

“Can I meet the puppy?” I nonchalantly asked.

It couldn’t hurt to meet this puppy that everyone was very excited about.

As I walked into the “greeting room” complete with two green chairs and a pharmaceutical advertisement for flea and tick prevention, Rose immediately ran up to me with her sweet puppy face, exuberant yet timid, and also slightly dirty from her voyage from…



Stories by Aurora E

Writer and editor with a background in animal behavior, journalism, philosophy, psychology & spirituality.