Finding Balance Is Easier Than You Think

5 simple ways to find balance in your life

Stories by Aurora E


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Does anyone say, “I want my life to work really well in some areas but be a disaster in others”?

This piercing insight reminds me of the sad state of my car, which is the first thing to fall by the wayside in the pursuit of so-called balance. Kids fed, check. House somewhat neat — read livable, another check. Animals happy, and work completed, a double-check. But, that sporty white car? It’s a disaster.

My husband’s Tractor Supply receipts line the floorboard, mingling with a film of dirt and dust from our dirt road, and my old water bottles, being saved for a rainy day (except that it never rains), roll back and forth from the front of the car to the back, creating a symphony of slosh, crinkle, clack as the five bottles excitedly roll over the receipts coupled with a small handful of junk mail loosely scattered over the seat. I’ll spare you the rest of the details of our car’s disastrous state.

With an eye to the interlude between balance and, well, being unbalanced, this equilibrium is one of the hardest things to master in life. We think of balance as a precious, all-consuming thing that takes real, concerted effort to maintain, but upon closer examination it can easily be mixed up with that all-too-familiar term…



Stories by Aurora E

Writer and editor with a background in animal behavior, journalism, philosophy, psychology & spirituality.