I Asked Bard AI to Write a Limerick

Bard, don’t give up your day job.

Carrie Wexford
Stories by Carrie Wexford
2 min readSep 23, 2023


Photo by Jem Sahagun on Unsplash

I have met many talented poets on Medium, like Dion Groove.

The delightful flow of free verse.

The effortlessly perfect rhyme.

I’m absolutely sure the Poets of Medium aren’t asking Bard AI for help.

As an experiment, I asked Bard to write a limerick about a cat and a penguin.

Photo by Cornelius Ventures on Unsplash

Here’s Bard’s attempt:

There once was a cat named Gus,

Who met a penguin named Max.

Gus said, “I’m so fluffy,

While you’re smooth and quite puffy,

We’re two very different chaps.”

Bard seems to have figured out how limericks are structured.

But it doesn’t know that Gus, Max, and chaps don’t rhyme.

Besides that, this limerick is just…weird.

Photo by Felice Wölke on Unsplash

Let’s try Bard on a haiku.

Cat and penguin friends

An odd couple indeed

But their love is true

Aw, this one is kind of sweet.

And nearly perfect.

A haiku is a three-line poem. There should be five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five again in the last line.

Bard gave the second line six syllables.

Still, this haiku is an improvement over the limerick.

Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

I wondered if Bard was struggling with strict poetry formats.

So, I asked for a basic four-line poem.

A cat and a penguin,

An unlikely pair,

But their friendship is strong,

And their bond beyond compare.

Bard finally did it! A charming poem that rhymes and makes sense.

Thanks for reading my story!

What do you think of Bard’s poems?

Your comments are always welcome.



Carrie Wexford
Stories by Carrie Wexford

Novelist and short story writer. Science fiction, suspense thrillers, and romantic comedies. I'm on Twitter: @carriewexford.