Writer’s Shortcut: 35 Alternative Ways to Say ‘Walk’

Your characters will make a livelier entrance.

Carrie Wexford
Stories by Carrie Wexford


Photo by Cole Keister on Unsplash

As a fiction author, I’m always thinking up new ways for my characters to move through my stories.

Edgar walked across the room.

They can’t walk in every sentence. I have to replace that word with a verb that fits the scene.

Besides, walk is boring. How about this instead:

Edgar sauntered across the room.

Yes! That’s better.

Constantly referring to a thesaurus slows me down, so I made a quick reference sheet of action verbs to replace walk.

I hope this list will help you write and edit your stories.

Photo by Kitera Dent on Unsplash

35 Ways to Say ‘Walk’

  • advance
  • amble
  • approach
  • creep
  • cruise
  • drift
  • float
  • glide



Carrie Wexford
Stories by Carrie Wexford

Novelist and short story writer. Science fiction, suspense thrillers, and romantic comedies. I'm on Twitter: @carriewexford.