I love to look at you when you are sleeping

Mary Da Rosa
Stories for our Children
2 min readJan 21, 2014


I love to look at you when you are sleeping. I love to stand at the edge of your bed and see you there. One buried under a sea of duvet and pillows with her small, inquisitive face popping up between them seeming comforted and secure, and the other looking fearless and elegant having pulled up just enough blanket to keep her warm.

A look around your room provides insight into what matters to you. The things you cherish; the mementos. I see the pictures, the books, the dolls that you did not give away, the go-to sweater, the cards you kept or have not been able to part with — yet.

I love the serenity of your face. I love the quiet breaths. I imagine that your dreams are filled with happy adventures and temporary escapes from any concerns in your life. I imagine you awakening, refreshed and full of the vigor of youth and starting out your day. I wonder about the million wonderful things that you will do with your life that is just beginning.

I see the baby and the woman in that face.

I know that long after you are gone that I will stand in the same room and imagine you still in that bed.

And, in a mother’s best hope, I wish for you that someone else someday will also stand at the side of your bed like I am now…and love to look at you when you are sleeping.

