
Genghis Khan — Why We Need A Leader Like Him In 21st Century!

History has not done justice in studying this great leader.

Mehek Kapoor
Stories From Heart
Published in
8 min readJan 31, 2022


Genghis Khan — Credits: Pinterest
Genghis Khan — Credits: Pinterest

Those who have read western or Indian history books, might have a skewed perception about Genghis Khan, only because those historians can’t portray anyone above ‘Alexander The Great’!

As they say — history is written by the winners. This quote holds true in case of the history that we are reading today everywhere. It is nothing less than a manipulated propaganda to celebrate western heroes and diminish Asian or Indian kings to merely one-liners that everyone ignores in history books.

And, about Indian historians, the less statements are made, the better it would be. Throughout my own school and college life, we discovered heavy glorification of Mughals and Britishers — the people that attacked, invaded and looted India, sucked every penny and food grain out of us, were responsible for millions of deaths — yet — they are presented as pioneers and bringers of development and modernisation.

On the contrary, the legendary rulers that ruled India, and took it to great heights for more than two millennials (2000 years), like The Cholas — are wiped out from our history books, completely. Only if you do an extensive research, will you…

