GOD Is Sexist! Women Will Agree

Shivangi Sood Jhawar
Stories From Heart
Published in
5 min readMay 13, 2022
a woman looking down, her hair blown by the wind, in background the sun is setting.
Photo by Jurica Koletić on Unsplash

They say,

Women are stronger than men.

Sadly, the thing is, we don’t have any other choice.

We’ve all come across instances, where we face sexism. Be it your workplace, your friend circle or even your own home. Most of us try to avoid such people who are sexist,

But what if you realize that,

the creator of the universe is one?


He or she is.

Especially against women.
Our creator made sure that one sex, in this case, the female, will suffer most of the time in life as compared to the other.

First of all,
God gave women a body that is weaker.

She is not able to defend herself physically in most situations. So the feeling of helplessness comes, as a result. This feeling takes a toll on her mental health. Almost all her life, she is afraid of situations that will require her to fight physically.

women lookin at camera, with her hand in front of her face, the word STOP is written on the palm of her hand.

The amount of rapes that happen in this world directly show us, why women are afraid to step outside alone at night. Sometimes, even in daylight. So, this fear is embedded in women from a very young age and nobody is doing much to make them feel secure. Not our society, not even the government.

If they did, there would already be a law everywhere, that would give capital punishment to all rapists as soon as the crime is committed.
But there’s not.
So this is what we have to deal with.

God made us what we are and humans also couldn’t do something to change this.
Hence, the patriarchy.

Every month a woman bleeds as a result of menstruation.

The pain that comes with it, no man can understand. Menstrual cramps are the worst, women will agree.

woman in pain, squatting down beside her bed.
Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Some men say, ‘if it happens every month since your childhood, wouldn’t you get used to it by now?’

The answer is NO! The cramps are different every time. The level of pain is different. The amount we bleed is different. Sometimes, even painkillers don’t work.

And do women get day offs while all this is happening? Absolutely not!
Since our society is mainly patriarchal, they have not thought about giving women rest for a few days every month.

That’s the way it has been happening for so long, why would they care?

In some rural areas, women are made to sleep outside on streets when they are menstruating, because the belief is that women are unholy in these days when they bleed.

How would a man feel if he’s forced to sleep on streets for a thing that’s not even his fault, that’s a natural process of the body that God created? No, men would not think about this because this is not happening to them. Because of this, many little girls are starved, abducted or even raped when they sleep alone on streets. This is such a shame!

a woman praying alone with eyes closed and hands folded.
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

In many places, women are not even allowed in temples when they are menstruating. This rule is made by man completely, because why would God prohibit his or her own creation from entering their place of worship?
Such a pity!

All her life she has to deal every month with periods and when she’s getting older, menopause happens. It could have been easy that the periods would just stop coming, but NO, God thought, let’s make it difficult. Let her bleed for a whole month instead. Lets make it so irregular that she wouldn’t even know when will it happen.

women in stress, pressing an ice pack on her cheek.
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Fatigue, hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia are just a few symptoms. Even at this time, nobody is taking care of her, because its just a natural process of the body? Ugh.

The last and the main point,

Child birth!

If all of this was not enough, God gave the burden of child birth also on women.

pregnant women’s belly, dark background.

What a mother goes through to birth a beautiful baby, nobody understands, as they are all focused on the beautiful baby only.
Not on the person who had to suffer for 9 whole months to make this miracle happen.

Even before that she suffered, if she was not able to conceive easily, because that burden also falls on women only, since women lose their fertility with age, not men!

Don’t forget about all the women who lost their lives in the past, just because their husband’s lineage will continue, as the child will have the father’s name, not the mother’s.

If men and women both are required to conceive a child, then why all the pain, suffering and sacrifices of child birth and even child rearing fall upon women only?


There is no answer to this, other than God is definitely a sexist and is partial to men.

Sorry ladies,

But this is the sad truth we all have to live with. Let’s support each other and spread awareness about this so that more men can understand and a change may come in our society where we all are at least treated as equals,

if not created as equals.



Shivangi Sood Jhawar
Stories From Heart

Cake artist trying to figure out life and herself. I speak my thoughts as they come, no filters 🇮🇳🍰