
How Great Was, Alexander The Great?

The West has often presented a version of history that made them glorious and shine in front of the world. But is their interpretation, the ultimate truth, or are there hidden layers of bigotry to it?

Mehek Kapoor
Stories From Heart
Published in
9 min readJun 16, 2023


Alexander the Great is one historical personality that almost every who has studied history is aware of. He was a Greek king, who almost ruled the entire planet at some point in time, and that is what made him earn the title of being ‘the great’.

The fact is, that he never lost even one battle in his lifetime, and that is quite a remarkable feat to achieve. The man was brutal, ruthless, and honestly really ambitious. That is what made him conquer every piece of land that he stepped his foot on — or that’s what we have been told?

What happened to Alexander in the final battle, where he stepped closer to India to conquer it?

We were always told that he defeated the Indian king Porus, but somehow he had an internal transformation of his heart that made him change his mind, and he did not want any more bloodshed, so he retreated with his armies.

