How Insecure People Are The Worst Company To Keep

Shivangi Sood Jhawar
Stories From Heart
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2022
a person raising his eyebrow looking at the camera.
Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

There’s a famous quote:

Be wary of the company you keep for they are a reflection of who you are, or who you want to be…

We all meet people on a daily basis who are insecure about one thing or the other. Even some of our family members or long-term friends.
That’s completely normal.

Then there are those, who’ll judge you for doing things that they can’t.

For example-

How you face a situation head on.

They judge or hate you because they themselves don’t have the guts to face any difficult situation. Their insecurities overpower them even in matters of self respect. They take their chances only when a situation dials down and that’s only sometimes.

Most times they don’t do anything and just hate others. They later hate themselves for not speaking up.

They’re afraid of confrontation and they judge you or dislike you when you are brave enough to take such actions because they themselves can’t!

Such people won’t grow in life, rather they’ll drag you down with themselves. Their constant disapproval can break your confidence too if you spend more time with them.

You should choose your circle carefully, hang out with people who’ll make you grow, people whom you can learn from. People who are ready to take action if you teach them to, who can understand & accept their faults to change into a better person.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

People who are ready to change simply because they wanna grow in life.

Admiring is always better than comparing.

Admire good qualities of others and learn from them, instead of comparing yourself with them, disliking them and doing nothing.
That way you are stuck and will remain in the same place, years from now.

By admiring others, you can learn and change.

Growth is what will make you proud of yourself in future.

So choose better company
Keep growing!



Shivangi Sood Jhawar
Stories From Heart

Cake artist trying to figure out life and herself. I speak my thoughts as they come, no filters 🇮🇳🍰