The Camping Trip That Changed My Life

I fell in love with nature for the first time

Rebecca Hawkes
Stories From My Twenties
4 min readNov 21, 2019


Photo by Arthur Poulin on Unsplash

I’ll begin by letting you know that I was less than excited about this particular camping trip. Having been camping twice already in Australia in which both trips resulted in many arguments and lots of early, hungover starts, my idea of camping was hell. However, this particular trip was, without a doubt, one of the best weekends of my life.

We left our hostel around 3pm — two hours later than originally planned, obviously, but everyone was in high spirits and no one was in a particular rush.

First travel tip : plans never stick so don’t stress.

We arrived a little before sunset and met the rest of the group by the river which was surrounded by huge flat boulders that made for the perfect seating area, also allowing us to build the perfect campfire.

Having said hello to the rest of our crew, we headed upwards to our camping area. Luckily for us, there were already a few spare tents set up so myself and Tom threw our stuff inside one (not knowing it was actually taken, it was just empty..) and proceeded to help Broken Tom with his awning and setting up the picnic table and chairs.

A few glasses of goon later, we headed back down to the river.

By now, darkness had fallen and everyone was in high spirits and mingling around. Being in the middle of the rainforest with zero city pollution meant the stars were incredible.

With just the light of the moon illuminating our camp and no fear of crocodiles this time, it was the most peaceful evening in the most idyllic setting.

Sitting by the fire, we all enjoyed a beverage or four as the music trickled through the portable speakers, often muffled by the animated chatter.

As the familiar craving for sleep began to take over, we climbed up to our tent of luxury — sleeping bags, pillows, what is this novelty? — and drifted off into snoozeland.

We were awoken by the warmth of the sun on the tent and the smell of freshly cooked sausages creeping up our nostrils.

Stepping out in a post sleep haze, we began tucking in to a breakfast of sausages in bread, apples and chocolate digestives. Bellies full and bikinis on, we were ready to see a waterfall.

Having walked along the tourist path, climbing over the ‘restricted access’ sign and clambering over some boulders, we reached the base of the gushing Murray Falls.

Now I must admit, you know how there’s always one person who reasons that if there’s a sign saying we should stop, we should stop, that is me. Something I am often teased for.

I am beyond grateful that on this day, I had no choice but to follow everyone or be left at the deserted campsite on my own.

We basked in the warm sun, moving from rock pool to rock pool comparing the temperatures and working out whether the current was too strong to enjoy sitting there.

The water was freezing but a refreshing contrast to the heat. There were even natural rock slides which, after watching everyone else enjoy them, I even had a few goes on.

Giulia happens to be a yoga teacher so naturally yoga on the boulders seemed like the perfect idea. And oh god, what a good idea.

I don’t know whether it was the scorching sun, the being surrounded by nature, the sounds of the waterfall in the background or a combination of all three, but I have never enjoyed yoga or being outside come to that, so much.

After a few tangled poses, we returned to the lower area where we’d been the night before. We explored a little way along the river before the rocks proved a little too slippery.

Chris and Tom had a play on the rope swing that was dangling above the river and after realising the branch was a little too unstable, decided that skimming stones was a lot more fun and a lot less dangerous.

We packed up around 2pm, thinking it was a lot later, and began the drive back to Cairns.

If ever you visit Queensland, I would most definitely recommend heading to Murray Falls, even just for an afternoon of sunbathing and river swimming.

I promise you, you will not regret it.

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Rebecca Hawkes
Stories From My Twenties

Confidence & Life Coach. Podcaster. Writer. 🌙 The Confidence Show: 👇🏼How to Be Confident 🥂