On the new version of nLocate app for android

Nabeen Khadka
3 min readMar 11, 2015


90% less in size, 100% more awesome.

Tl;dr: the latest version of nLocate app for android is less in size(~3Mb), shows directions on map, performs better, and works on more devices than before.

The previous version of nLocate app for android was, quite frankly, massive in size. We knew that it was just too much to ask — even for an app this useful. This was a conscious decision made to ensure that more or less the same user experience could be maintained across a excruciatingly long range of android devices. Following some improvement in the technology stack that powers the app, we were able to do away with the then necessary bloat. The latest update to nLocate app for android now clocks in at around 3Mb, as opposed to 50Mb on the last one.

Many of our valued users pointed out that the old version used to show directions on map, and that they missed this feature in the last version. For this, our apologies are due. Directions on map are back in this version.

Also, on the last version, you had to be offline to view your past searches. Honestly, that was not a very smart idea. You can now access your saved searches from a permanent button on the search window. Up to a 100 of your recent searches are automatically saved for handy reference when you are on the go.

You can now view your recent searches from the search menu

As a result of the aforementioned improvement in the technology that powers the app, overall responsiveness of the app has been improved. You can notice the differences in the search results throughout the app.

These are some of the major changes that we introduced in this version. But the list doesn't end here. The latest version also includes fixes for many problems that went unnoticed on the last one. We thank our users who pointed out those to us in the play store listing of the app and in our Twitter and Facebook pages.

We request our iOS users to be patient and give us a couple weeks’ time for the corresponding updates to be visible on the iPhone/iPad version of the app. You know how Apple’s app review process goes! ☺

The team has done its best to ensure that you don't experience any more problems in the app; but we know that’s an optimistic assumption. If you notice some, please do tell us.

If you haven't already, download the app on your android device here: http://bit.ly/nlocate_android

Happy nLocating!

We’d love to talk to you — to know what you think about the app, or anything at all, really! Please drop us a line at our email, our Facebook page and our Twitter account.

