Episode 5: Priced Out of Education

Featuring special guests Angel Palazuelos, Reyna Montoya, and Dr. Tom Nerini.


Listen to the episode at https://anchor.fm/broadcastsfromtheborder/episodes/EP5-Priced-Out-of-Education-ei6t0e

State law prohibits Arizona’s undocumented high school graduates from attending college as in-state students, making higher education unaffordable. We sat down with Angel Palazuelos, Reyna Montoya, and Dr. Tom Nerini to discuss in-state tuition access in Arizona. Reporting by Stories from the Border summer fellow Nikolas Kirk.

Listen to the episode at https://anchor.fm/broadcastsfromtheborder/episodes/EP5-Priced-Out-of-Education-ei6t0e

Or, listen on Spotify here and on Apple Podcasts here.

