Illustration by Michelle Geller.

Nuestra Frontera & El Amor de mi Nombre

Poetry about the borderlands and the power of naming by Mónica Sánchez.

Mónica Sánchez
Stories from the Border
4 min readFeb 2, 2021


Nuestra Frontera—Our Border

They say we have a border

A border that divides souls

Souls that thirst for dreams.

They only see it as a border

one that can solve problems

My eyes have seen the countless fear of

hardworking mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters

Who can’t go back

Don’t go back

Te extraño

Te amo

Dios te bendiga

They don’t want to hear stories

They don’t want to listen

The border will not break the

bonds that places like El Paso, Texas

have been built as a bridge between both worlds.

Your border will not divide everything.

It will open up voices and yells

It will bring about change

Your border will not solve your problems

But only build and build

Strength, strength from within

Your border only divides the South from the North

But not the dreams held on tight

By a child learning to steer a kite

My grandma came right through your border

To pick the fruit you drink your juice with

And take care of your children

Your border broke the boundary between

English-America and created

A space for Spanish class

Your people are learning our language

While my mamá was scolded at her seat

Branded by the Southern Sunshine Belles

Drilling english words into her head

You’ve always had a border

You’ve always wanted to push us out

Your border may clog us but

we burst through and flood your

ears, eyes, and mouth

We are everywhere

Butterflies that you can never shake off

Your border feels our push and yells at you to fall

Your border doesn’t want you!

Your border tells lies

Your border creates chaos

Our border is not visible

But tasted through

the flavors of the Southwest

Our Border is a museum

With 1,989 miles of

Blended cultures, creating new identities that unites our people

Our border from Tijuana to Brownsville

rivers its way, slithering each state,

Recognizing sister cities

Our border is naturally our family

Passing on recipes

Trading chismes and clothes

From every generation

Painting the sky with Spanish

Our border is one that we are proud of

Your border is one that doesn’t exist

Our border will live on to tell our children its history of its bond

Your border will disintegrate into the ground.

Your border is not our border.

El Amor de mi Nombre—The Love of my Name

I’ve always struggled with the pronunciation of my name.

My name that held the voices of my antepasados

Who wore their names with pride.

Where I turned red

At any chance my mamá

Called my name with her

Vibrant Spanish accent

That shakes walls when you hear her voice

My name was the key to my heritage, my home and

I’ve been misplacing it

My name became a white sheet of paper

Uniformed to conform

Isolated from my colored raíces

My name holds the history of New Mexico and the city of El Paso.

The name I know

Sing songs off your tongue

And holds memories of my infant Spanish-speaking self

My name laid out my identity

My name calls me everyday with a desire to be heard

And spoken with dignity

My name is hurting with its pronunciation to be rung

My name is written beneath the brown desert sand

That blows between your hair on a hot afternoon with the sun beaming on your face

I see my name now

It’s flying between your lips

And tickling your ears with its accented ó

A name that traces the ranges of mountains yet chokes at your throat

Like a protective cactus

For years, my name has waited.

It has been hidden under my bed like

The pair of old welcoming slippers you lost

But could never find

I chopped my name off from your tongue

Because I was scared of being different

Now my name and I meet again

Together we cry from our old times-long ago

16 years of heartache and pain

It tells me it has been waiting for me

Deep in my closet craving its dance

Melody and story.

I look at my name with shame,

For not speaking up

When it was hidden and traded

For the english Monica from Friends

My names arms open wide and hugs my soul

Sifting through old memories and forgetting the


I received the warmest hug from my name

The hug of generations of family who came before me

The hug that loved me from the beginning

The hug that felt right

My name is dancing in the desert soaking up the sun

My name is bursting with color with relentless passion from within

My name is my home that I run to with pride

My name is Mónica.

