UNICEF distributes winter clothing to 639,082 children across Iraq

Stories from UNICEF in Iraq
4 min readMar 1, 2016
© UNICEF/Iraq/2015/Anmar

More than 3.3 million Iraqis have been displaced by conflict since early 2014. An additional 244,000 Syrian refugees are sheltering in Iraq. As their savings dwindle, many families struggle to provide winter clothing to their growing children. In response to this vulnerability, UNICEF initiated the Warm for Winter campaign to help protect displaced and refugee children in Iraq from the winter cold. With the support of the United States Government and other partners, UNICEF facilitated the distribution of 639,082 winter clothing sets to children in 16 governorates.

© UNICEF/Iraq/2016/Khuzaie

Women wait in line at a distribution in Hilla, Babylon Governorate. The winter clothing sets are distributed to children aged three months to 14 years old. Displaced families are surveyed in advance so that everybody who comes to the distribution gets the appropriate size.

© UNICEF/Iraq/2015/Anmar

Yousif, 7, (right) displaced from Mosul, picks up a clothing set during a distribution in Rahma Camp in Missan Governorate. “It’s good to get the clothes now because it’s getting cold!” he said.

© UNICEF/Iraq/2015/Mackenzie

Girls living in an informal settlement at the top of Sinjar Mountain, Ninewa Governorate, wear winter clothing received from UNICEF in early December. The Warm for Winter campaign focused on reaching children living at high altitudes and in hard-to-reach areas, in unfinished buildings and informal settlements, and in areas with a high density of displaced children who had not previously received winter supplies.

© Bakhtyar Ahmad, CDO

A newborn in an incubator at a hospital in Sulaymaniyah Governorate. After hearing that a displaced couple had given birth to sextuplets, UNICEF arranged to deliver winter clothing to the growing family. In addition to providing clothing to vulnerable children, the Warm for Winter campaign distributed clothing kits to more than 8,000 pregnant mothers to ensure that infants born in the winter months are protected from the cold.

© UNICEF/Iraq/2015/Anmar

In addition to winter clothing sets, UNICEF also facilitated the distribution of 94,328 thermal blankets around the country. Above, women pick up clothing and blankets at a distribution centre in Essian Camp in Ninewa Governorate.

© UNICEF/Iraq/2015/Mackenzie

The winter clothing kits include boots, a winter jacket, training suit, a scarf, gloves, socks, and a hat for each child. Here Dunya, 13, displaced from Mosul, opens a box of new winter boots in her caravan in Baharka Camp in Erbil Governorate.

© UNICEF/Iraq/2016/Fahmi

Mohammed, 12, and his brother Hussein, 10, from Falluja, pick up winter clothing sets at a distribution in Amariyat Al Fallujah in Anbar Governorate. A generous donation from the European Commission — Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) supported the distribution of 99,000 clothing kits in hard-to-reach areas of Anbar, Salah Al-Din, and Babil Governorates.

© UNICEF/Iraq/2016/Anmar

Displaced from Mosul, Enas, 8, and her brother Ali, 7, wait to pick up clothing at a distribution in Zakho, Dohuk Governorate. “When I go somewhere special, I like to be dressed like this!” says Ali.

© UNICEF/Iraq/2016/Khuzaie

The Warm for Winter Campaign was supported with generous donations from the United States Government, the United States Fund for UNICEF, the Kingdom of Sweden, the German Committee for UNICEF, the State of Kuwait, Germany’s GIZ, and the United Kingdom Department of International Development. UNICEF would like to thank all of the donors and our implementing partners for working to protect Iraq’s children.



Stories from UNICEF in Iraq

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