100 Pictures of Kansas-Part 2

Andy Romanoff
Stories I've Been Meaning to Tell You
7 min readDec 18, 2019


The roads and towns of Central Kansas, and the people who live there

Cottonwood Falls — all photos copyright Andy Romanoff

This is part two. If you want to start at the beginning click here, 100 Pictures of Kansas

We left early the next morning from Topeka. We had backtracked there to spend the night, a decision driven by the lack of motels on the routes we had chosen. If you’re accustomed to interstate travel and the big chain motel experience, be prepared for something different when you come this way. Small towns are… small. Many have no places to stay, and sometimes no place to eat. You learn quickly to look ahead, thinking about lunchtime and where you might want to stay for the night. But at eleven on Monday morning, we weren’t thinking about lunch yet, just stopping to make a few pictures of Eskridge.

Tobi, Becky, and Robin sitting in the Eskridge morning sunshine

The first thing I saw when we got out of the car was these three women sitting on a bench. “Good morning,” I said, “I’m guessing from the tee shirts you’re all connected in some way,” and sure enough, they were. They were the staff of Big Bertha’s Diner, the restaurant right next door.



Andy Romanoff
Stories I've Been Meaning to Tell You

One part of me knows it doesn’t matter if you read these stories or not, the other part thinks it might be the reason I’m here.