Blind Desire - Part Two

Andy Romanoff
Stories I've Been Meaning to Tell You
5 min readApr 17, 2018


Liz, shortly before she left

If you haven't already read it this story begins right here; Part One

London 1968 was happening and I was way out of my league. Everyone was so hip, so polished, so dressed. I was a Chicago street kid feeling like a hick off the farm. What was worse, it turned out that although the government said I could work, the unions were another matter. Thank god, Liz got a break right away. She met the head of the makeup union, charmed him, and went to work on a TV series. We moved into a basement flat in Chelsea, got a car and I became her driver taking her out every morning to Shepperton Studios. Then I was free to wander the streets aimlessly, watching life happen all around me, just out of reach.

I learned the parks of London then including Battersea, the loneliest. In those days it was a sprawling empty expanse with its abandoned power plant looming overhead. It suited me then to be there breathing the air of uselessness and decay. I spent my days sitting on its benches and wandering its paths, killing the hours. I was miserable, worse than miserable, I had lost my identity. Without work, without being part of a group, without a beautiful wife by my side, what was I? Not much it seems. For a long time afterward, I described myself as a doughnut, all outside and nothing in the center. It’s important to have a center.



Andy Romanoff
Stories I've Been Meaning to Tell You

One part of me knows it doesn’t matter if you read these stories or not, the other part thinks it might be the reason I’m here.