Progress Report

Self-publishing a book means doing a lot of other things too. Here’s part of what it takes.

Andy Romanoff
Stories I've Been Meaning to Tell You
3 min readFeb 12, 2024


So TinyLetter, the company I’ve been using for my newsletters, is going away and I have to find a new place to help send my mailing list messages. I hope I won’t have to rebuild the list from scratch but, in the meantime let’s party while we can…

First up, I did The OP, Dave Chameides’ wonderful Podcast about life in the seat behind the camera. Dave is a 35-year veteran of Hollywood, a wonderful Steadicam Operator, and a guy who asks good questions. If you want to hear some stories I haven’t told before, check out his podcast at

Then February 24th I’m going to be talking about books and the creative life at the La Quinta Museum. If you haven’t been there, it’s my kind of special place, a local museum focused on the things big museums often overlook. If you are in the neighborhood, come by, check out the museum, and stay for the conversation.

Finally, a few weeks ago, I was invited to speak with The Foothill Five, a group of women writers who have been meeting together for twenty-five years. They wanted to talk about the self-publishing process because they have a book that’s almost ready for the presses. It was a wonderful night, partly because they are all accomplished writers with long careers and partly because they are all fun and smart. I stuck my iPhone on a tripod and made a recording of the evening just to see what we said, but later looking at the video I realized the conversation was rich and rewarding for more than the nuts and bolts of POD. Long story short, I’ve been cutting some of the choice bits into a video that’s coming soon but while you’re waiting here’s a taste…

Still don’t own the book? Check out Stories I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You. It’s a wild ride; getting thrown out of five high schools; stealing cars and motorcycles; getting tossed in jail; finding my way into the sleazy end of the film business; being there for the invention of Gore Films; spending time with counterculture legends like Ken Kesey, The Hog Farm, and Nick Ray; and slowly learning about love, life, and death. Why not come along for the ride?



Andy Romanoff
Stories I've Been Meaning to Tell You

One part of me knows it doesn’t matter if you read these stories or not, the other part thinks it might be the reason I’m here.