Access Helped Me Push Through a Pandemic and a Typhoon

Stories of Access
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2020

My name is Allan Valdez. I am 50 years old and I have been working with SDW for six years now. For the past years that I have been with the company, I experienced a lot of things. I was able to meet and work with a lot of people which helped me grow not only as an employee but also as a person.

2020 has been a tough year for everyone. We are all dealing with the pandemic and the calamity damage from last month’s super typhoon. Many people were affected, including my family. It’s difficult to survive the pandemic, but it became harder when the calamity hit us. We were in the middle of adjusting our budget due to the ECQ and then we had to renovate our house at the same time because of the super typhoon.

We were really struggling with our finances because I had no income during the ECQ. I had just come back to work, so I am only starting to get my earnings and to be honest, they are not enough given our difficult situation. Fortunately, Access was there to help. I was really amazed at how fast the transaction was with my loan application. With their help, I was able to fund my child’s education and start the renovation of our house.



Stories of Access

Access is a benefits platform focused on providing automated financial solutions to its corporate and community partners