Events: Stories of Extraction

Stories of Extraction
2 min readJun 29, 2020

A Digital Commons Climate Collection?

Thursday 20th August, 1.30–2.30 pm

This informal Zoom meeting will explore how we can collaborate to create an accessible UK-wide digital collection that gives a climate & ecology lens to cultural artefacts in museums, archives, heritage sites and born-digital resources.

Could this work by asset-holders ‘donating’ relevant objects into a digital repository and encouraging participatory interpretation of them, illuminating their relevance to climate and ecology? How can existing digital repositories or platforms enable more tagging and interpreting with climate and ecology ideas? How can digital collections power activism to tackle the big challenges of social and environmental justice?

Come prepared to talk and share ideas.

This is part of Climate Museum UK’s enquiry into non-extractive digital collecting, for our Activist Museum award. Read more about the award and our Stories of Extraction project.

Please register for the free Zoom meeting here.

Being an Activist Museum Worker

This event was part of our Stories of Extraction enquiry, as it has arisen from our Activist Museum Award.

The video of the recording can be downloaded from here. (As there were no objections, we have shared this but please contact us on if you would like us to remove it from public availability.)

Here are the slides that didn’t get shown due to a technical hitch.

It was on 29th July 2020, 1.30–3.00pm BST. Free, on Zoom

The invitation was to:

Join the Activist Museum Award winners for an online discussion exploring our experiences of being activists working in museums. What challenges arise, what changes have you made happen, and what tensions arise in facing intersecting issues? Often we are fighting the same battles under different banners, so how can activists work together on common aims?

Kicking off the discussion will be:

Some background to this event

The International Slavery Museum, Museum as Muck and Climate Museum UK were recipients of the first Activist Museum Awards from University of Leicester (with Robert Janes). Covid-19 has changed our plans for meeting in person as part of this, so we as awardees want to invite anyone interested to join in with this discussion online. You might be a secret activist in a traditional museum, a proud activist in a radical museum, or somewhere in between, or not in a museum role. All are welcome.



Stories of Extraction

Director of Flow & Climate Museum UK. Co-founder Culture Declares. Cultural researcher, artist-curator, educator.