5 Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Day Job.

Hamza Zai
Stories of Life
3 min readSep 24, 2021


Most folks would finish off if we tend might. we tend to perpetually dream regarding it, however, that’s a way as we tend to get-dreaming. operating a 9–5 simply appears inevitable. I, Timothy Ward, but am a master at defying the inevitable. I stare at ‘The Inevitable’ within the face and decide him dirty names. I say, if you wish to prevent operating, STOP WORKING; I’ll even offer you five reasons why you ought to.

1. If you finish off you’ll have longer to devote to reading my articles, columns, and lists. this can modify Maine to become a home name down at the state and Welfare offices. My fame could be a little value to pay money for you living your dreams. believe this after you see Maine on the ‘Today Show.

2. Quitting your job can cause you to feel marvelous. For regarding ten minutes you’ll get on bliss, you’ll get on prime of the planet, you’ll be living the nice life, you’ll be: -insert your remark here-. Then you’ll begin worrying regarding the automotive note, the mortgage, the kid’s college garments, groceries, and the way you’re getting to pay that $850 you owe the Petermanns for running over their mailbox and a full row of prize-winning azaleas. All this can in all probability depress you to the purpose of self-annihilation, however, a minimum of you had ten minutes of freedom.

3. Daytime tv is a few of the foremost exciting tv around. You’ll surprise however you ever survived while not all those quality soap operas, daytime speak shows, and choose shows wherever you get the sinking suspicion that the choice has been paid off. after you mix this with all the informative commercials that air throughout the daytime that may ‘Show you ways to create $1,000 each day stuffing envelopes, ‘Teach you to drive a semi in four days, ‘Allow you to urge a degree from direct such exciting fields as GED preparation and tank scrubber’ and you’ll not solely surprise why you didn’t quit your job sooner, you’ll additionally vow to ne’er work once more.

4. In your erst used state you uncomprehensible all those vital calls from assortment agencies and different bill collectors. currently that you just have quit your job you’ll be ready to sit reception in eager anticipation of those oh-so-important calls. add several telemarketers, calls from the Sheriff’s Association posing for donations, and several of these computers that decide you and raise you to ‘Hold for a crucial message’ and you’ll have a full day of simply responding to the phone. it’ll be like having a regular job everywhere once more, while not all the effort of obtaining a payroll check.

5. Dragging yourself out of bed each morning at 5:45 a.m. can’t be sensible for your health. Your doctor can be pleased with you for caring enough regarding your body’s well-being to travel as way as quitting your job. He won’t, however, see you as a patient any longer as a result of you not have insurance. however there’s no got to worry, in any case, that’s why we’ve free clinics. Sitting all day in an exceedingly damp clinic lounge next to 2 teenagers with stage three Chlamydia is yet one more expertise you’d have left out on if you had unbroken your day job.

There you have got it of us. five reasons why you ought to at once quit and quit your job. be at liberty to quote any of those reasons to your leader after you flip in your period notice. If she needs to grasp wherever you came upon such valuable data tell her that an unselfish friend of humanity provided them to you freed from charge, and everyone I asked reciprocally was that you just bear in mind Maine next time you wish your tank scrubbed…



Hamza Zai
Stories of Life

Hello! I’m Hamza Zai, a passionate writer here on Medium. I enjoy exploring and sharing my thoughts on a wide range of topics.