Benefits Of Quarreling With Wife.

Hamza Zai
Stories of Life
2 min readAug 24, 2021


1. Sleep is not disturbed

Are you listening
Turn off the light
Turn off the fan
Give me the blanket here,
Face here

2. Save money

As long as there is a quarrel with the wife, the wife does not ask for money.

3. Relieve stress

During the quarrel, the conversation stops, which reduces the daily grind and the husband avoids unnecessary stress.

4 Increases self-reliance

You don’t do what you can because your wife does it, she does small things after a fight
(Get up and drink water yourself, take off your clothes for bathing, make your own tea)
The husband becomes accustomed to working on his own.

5. Work is not interrupted

Unnecessary calls from your wife at work during an argument
(Know what you are doing? I don’t feel well, how is the weather today, did you eat?)
These types of sentences do not come, which allows you to focus on your work.

6. Freedom from the worry of rushing home

(Most husbands get repeated calls from home to come home early after work, but once an argument breaks out, you can stay away from this worry for a few days.

7. Your value increases

It is a human psyche that the value of what does not happen is realized only during the conflict
The wife feels valued.

8. Love grows

Love quarreling with each other
Increases, because it has often been observed that once it rains, the weather becomes pleasant.
And there are many benefits.
But it is difficult to write due to lack of time.

So let’s pledge that after today all husbands will quarrel with their wives once or twice a month (wife is always ready) so that even husbands can spend some time in peace in a month.
Continued in the interest of husbands

Note: — Fight at your own risk and according to your physical health.
The author will not be responsible for the side effects of the dispute.
Arrange yourself to avoid female weapons (rollers, sticks, brooms)



Hamza Zai
Stories of Life

Hello! I’m Hamza Zai, a passionate writer here on Medium. I enjoy exploring and sharing my thoughts on a wide range of topics.