Ever Felt Like You Were Missing a Part of Yourself?

Loren Rosario-Maldonado
Stories of Many
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2024


Just five years ago, I was a total mess. I felt lost and disconnected from my roots and culture, and honestly, I was struggling. It’s not easy admitting that, but it’s true. Back then, I couldn’t see a way forward; I felt like a crucial part of my identity was just… missing.

Discovering Cultural Intelligence

Everything started to change when I stumbled upon the concept of Cultural Intelligence (CQ). This wasn’t just another buzzword — it was a lifeline. CQ is all about understanding your cultural identity and how that shapes your cultural values and how they influence everything you do, from the way you talk to the decisions you make.

Making the C.H.O.I.C.E.

The journey wasn’t overnight. It began with a choice — a big one. C.H.O.I.C.E, for me, stood for Courage to face my fears, Honesty about my struggles, Openness to new ideas, Integrating everything I was learning with Integrity, Curiosity about the world around me, and Empathy for myself and others. Embracing the power of C.H.O.I.C.E. completely transformed my outlook on life as a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a leader.

From Chaos to Clarity

Once I really started to dig into my cultural roots, understand my cultural values, and integrate that understanding into my relationships, my life started to make sense again. Conversations got deeper, and my relationships at home and work flourished — I was a better leader, a better listener, and a better friend. It was like turning chaos into clarity. Suddenly, I saw the mess for what it was: a message.

A Mission Emerges

That message? It’s simple but powerful: We are so much more than meets the eye. Were multidimensional. We’re whole. We’re complex, layered, and full of diverse experiences that make us who we are. Realizing this, I knew I had to share it; I had to help others see their unique value through the power of CQ.

As I held the International Impact Book Awards trophy a few weeks ago, I was grateful for that initial C.H.O.I.C.E. I made. It wasn’t just about winning; it was about how far I’ve come by embracing my cultural identity and all parts of me.

Over to You

So, what about you? Think back to a moment when you made a bold C.H.O.I.C.E. that changed everything. How did it shape you? Drop a comment below, share your story, and let’s start a movement — embracing our cultural complexities together. Let’s make our mess our mission.



Loren Rosario-Maldonado
Stories of Many

Author | Leadership Consultant and Coach | Cultural Enthusiast | Rebel With A Cause