Listen to Your Gut: The Payoff is Priceless


I listen to my gut without fail. I’ve spent a long time getting connected to it and learning how to trust it. That work has resulted in life-changing decision-making that often bears bountiful fruit. This time is no different.

I’ve been coaching folks for years. It’s in my DNA. I am certain that coaching people to THRIVE rather than survive is part of what I’m meant to do in this world.

I receive rave reviews from my clients about how my coaching is a game changer. Nevertheless, there is a stirring in my gut saying I need to UP MY GAME.

I decide to pursue becoming the best coach I can possibly be. For me, that means enrolling in a world-class certification program to heighten my skills and abilities.

My decision is unpopular within my network. Several friends emphasize that I don’t need to get certified, and they are right. It isn’t a requirement but it is absolutely what I want to do. I choose to invest in me so I can invest even more in others.

Do note that although some of my peeps don’t agree with my decision, they ALL support me nonetheless. That’s how one’s True Crew shows up. Amen for that.

So, I’ve been back “in school” for the last nine months, learning and growing in ways I never expected.

It’s hard work and a huge time commitment on top of my full-time executive job and my part-time founder job as CEO of Fiercely Joyful, LLC.

Known for being a stellar procrastinator when it comes to taking care of me, I make a conscious choice to show up differently from the start.

I print out my syllabus before the program starts and schedule every assignment on my calendar. Lo and behold, it’s amazing what happens when you plan! I finish ahead of schedule and feel no stress associated with deadlines because I stay on top of them. Doing better at showing up for myself: check.

My program creates many opportunities to engage with and learn from other coaches on the same journey. My heart overflows with joy when I reflect on the new community of coaches in my world. The very first person I work with is such a transformational coach that I learn WAY more than the theory and practice in my course materials. She inspires me to leverage every single talent I have so I can become a transformational coach too. There are so many coaches I get to learn from as I grow more firmly into my niche. No matter how often we all engage with each other, I know the connections will last for a lifetime. Building community: check.

I finish all my course requirements in mid-July, which makes me eligible to submit my final exam. On July 30, when I receive an email with the subject, “Congratulations on your CPC Certification” my eyes well up. It’s happening again now as I recount the moment that I learn that I am “official.” Becoming a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Index-Master Practitioner: check.

Newly Certified Professional Coach Tash Durkins

I’m proud of myself, excited, and relieved all at the same time! So, I do what any Gen Xer influenced by Millennials and Gen Z would do: take a screen shot of that email and text it to all my peeps telling them, “I’m official, y’all!”

One of the responses blows me away.

“You were official when you drew your first breath. In your heart, you’ve always been a coach. Congratulations on your certification — your heart and your brain are aligned. Your clients are so lucky.”

Since I drew my first breath??? Wow.

Yet, it’s true as I said at the start of this, I believe I was born to be a coach. But y’all know… not everyone believes about us what we believe about us! It’s such a heartwarming and beautiful confirmation. I receive it with gratitude.

Now that I’m on the other side of this, I know I made the right decision. I am experiencing a heightened ability to coach from my highest self. THAT’s how I want to show up — in the highest possible frequency, enabling me to live more deeply into my purpose. And let me tell you, it feels good to be in this place. Embracing continuous growth: check.

Your takeaway? Listen to your gut.

I would have missed out on all the learning, growing and community building I experienced had I not followed through. Those experiences have been priceless! I cherish them.

Scared to trust your gut?

I recognize that following intuition can be uncomfortable. Intuition is knowing something with certainty yet not having clarity on the genesis of the thought or any awareness or logic behind what you know to be true.

As I often say, start by dipping your toe in the water. If your gut tells you to make a choice that involves little risk, do it and see what happens. Continue toe-dipping and exploring until you learn whether you can trust your gut.

To be clear, many situations require intentional reflection and deliberation (think “should I quit my job and join the Peace Corps?”), not simply a gut check. Though a gut check after you’ve weighed options and completed your deliberation can be a guide for you.

For more information on connecting with your own intuition, check out the “Get Connected” chapter of my book, Fiercely Joyful: 11 Keys to Living Authentically & Creating a Life You Love.

I’m excited for what’s to come. For now? I’m giving myself permission to revel in this moment, which started with trusting my intuition.



Natasha A. Durkins | Speaker, Author & Coach
Stories of Many

Authenticity Champion, Keynote Speaker, Author of Fiercely Joyful: 11 Keys to Living Authentically & Creating a Life You Love and Coach