— Fun, smart, tenacious.

Kaili Kleemeier
Stories of remote teams
2 min readSep 13, 2017 team

We had a conversation with Ricardo Reyna, the CTO and co-founder at provide actionable customer intelligence through simple and beautiful NPS system and insights.

What is the most important team value you have?

The most important value for our team is being tenacious. Not towards old habits obviously, but being persistent in achieving our goals.

How many people work remotely in your company and how often?

We are a small team scattered between San Antonio, Portland, and Minneapolis right now. We have two persons on the team who are full-time remote. We used to have part of the team out of San Francisco as well.

We don’t do daily stand-ups but try to meet once every 1–2 weeks. Individual teams are constantly working together online and we leverage many great tools out there.

We meet regularly with the entire team — once every 6 weeks is the schedule that has been working the best for us so far.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced as remote team?

Communication and expressivity are a road block. Which is the case for every company out there. We’re constantly trying to improve our workflow, but optimising Slack has been instrumental. Slack can do so much for you if you know how to leverage every opportunity. Make sure you learn and use that tool for its full potential.

How do you communicate with your team?

Slack is our go-to tool for chatting and we have built a lot of automation on top of it. We also use for meetings and Skype. for other calls. All daily discussions happen on these channels.

Including the random fun conversations. Every day is hilarious. We abuse the /giphy and /rightgif slackbots on Slack a lot. A good giphy can say a million words!

Do you use visuals when collaborating with your remote team? How do you work with those?

We do a lot of sketching (drawings) for various things — designs, mapping flows, architecture, planning — you name it. We use Skitch for screenshots.

What has been the best resource on remote working for your team, if you have used any?

We read many blogs and listen to podcasts a lot. SaaStr is currently the primary one we read, follow and love.

Few other blog posts I really appreciate are:

1) How to manage a remote team by Zapier.

2) Building a remote team by Baremetrics.

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Kaili Kleemeier
Stories of remote teams

Founder and CEO of Deekit, former Operations Lead at Skype, Techstars Alumni. Love music, good design, art and often count time in the amount of movies.