Lesson 1 : Be like the San Antonio Spurs !

I am a huge fan of the organization that is San Antonio Spurs, I love the team and their ways of going about business both on and off the court. They are the most successful NBA franchise ever and have done it the right way.

Elo rating is defined here : http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-we-calculate-nba-elo-ratings/

Anyone can be an All-Star:

The Spurs ignored all expert draft predictions, instead electing to build a kickass team comprising the right people with the right attitude and skillset. Almost all their weapons today were bygones or dead in the water players — Boris Diaw, Gary Neal, Danny f***ing Green. They picked late in the draw with Tony Parker , Manu Ginobli and Kawhi Leonard, all of who have been Allstars, MVP’s and breakthrough players in their own right and possible Hall of famers . They cut through the sizzle and go right to the steak , something most people don’t do and stick the old adage of “sell the sizzle not the steak” .

First Principles work:

The Spurs keep it simple, what they do on and off the court is basketball 101, what you learn in day 1 of basketball camp. Nothing fancy, but very effective. Their game plan is based on their roster, and not on the next ”in-thing” and even the most cursory of glances at a Spurs in-game offense will show you the effectiveness of their flawless execution.

“A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.”

The spurs do this the best, they stick to gameplan irrespective of how the opponent is playing, I have seen them die at the alter of their gameplan many times but they do have a 75%+ win record across 16 years so I will take that as a statement to the effectiveness of sticking to a plan rather than panic.

“I want some NASTY”

Startups are not Indira but Asura:

This is a blog article by itself but a more Western version of this would be — “ there is no I in team” .

right is Indira and left is Asura

Always Think Longterm :

This is my favorite part about the Spurs, they make decisions that are long term. The players that fit their system remain in that system for a long period of time, the coaches, the training staff, the management everyone stays there for long time be it a bad or a good year. This longevity stems from a pure understanding of the game and belief in the system in place. There is a huge amount of trust that the organization will take care of them in the long term and thats a feeling no amount of money can buy.



Vineet Devaiah
stories of TeliportMe

CEO@TeliportMe, son and good friend . Stuff said on twitter do not reflect my true opinion but as my stepping stone to standup comedy