To Your Eyes

The second poem in a collection from Luigi, a poet and member of the SOAS catering staff.

Alejandro Posada
3 min readFeb 20, 2018


My beloved tender, sweet and beautiful princess
when you, with your beautiful green eyes, ravish upon me and
look at me like you usually do, in moments
of supernatural warmth,
my being starts to float, I lose my breath, I
feel vulnerable and helpless, I am transported to a certain
state of consciousness, in which I give myself in with no restrictions
to you, I alienate myself, and I get carried away by your charm,
by your unrivalled beauty and your
woman’s candour…

When you look at me, as you look at me, I feel like you take over
my soul, covering it with a halo of
tenderness, joy and infinite

You, with your eyes and your gaze, reach
my essence, and they, like two beacons,
light up my path during
nights of disturbing
loneliness, lighting up with
their sparkle my afflicted

Your eyes are like an immense
spring, diaphanous, crystalline and green, where
my soul rejoices with
yours, becoming

When you look at me as you do, I feel, that we belong
to each other…
and not since now, my sweet princess
but since the end of time, because we were created to love each other eternally,
we were made
to pay tribute to love.

And no matter where we are, or what existential plane we travel through, because your eyes
and your gaze will bring you to me…

I will recognise them, of that I have no
we were born to die… together…

those… your beautiful eyes.

A Tus Ojos

Mi amada tierna, dulce y bella princesa
cuando tu con tus lindos ojos verdes te extacias en mi, y
me miras como sueles hacerlo, en momentos
de sobrenatural calides,
mi ser empieza a flotar, pierdo el aliento, me
siento vulnerable e indefenso, me transporto a otro
estado de conciencia, donde me entrego sin restricciones
a ti, me enajeno, y me dejo arrastrar por tus encantos,
por tu belleza sin igual y tu
candor de mujer…

Cuando me miras, como me miras, siento como si tu te apoderaras de
mi alma, cubriendola con un halo de
ternura, gozo e infinita

Tu con tus ojos y tu mirar recorres
mi esencia, y ellos, como dos faros
iluminan mi sendero en
noches de perturbadora
soledad, iluminando con
sus destellos mi afligido

Son tus ojos como un inmenso
manantial, diáfano, cristalino y verdes,donde
mi alma se regocija con la
tuya convirtiendose
en una sola,

Cuando me miras como me miras, siento, que nos pertenecemos
el uno al otro…
y no desde ahora, mi dulce princesa
sino desde los confines del tiempo, porque fuimos creados para amarnos eternamente,
fuimos hechos
para rendirle tributo al amor.

Y no importa dónde estemos, ni en qué plano existencial recorramos, porque esos tus ojos y tu mirar te traeran a mi…
sabre reconocerlos, de eso no tengo
nacimos para morir…juntos…

esos… tus lindos ojos.

Translation by Alejandro Posada.

About the author

We asked Luigi to tell us a bit about himself. This is what he told us to write:

“Simplemente soy un habitante más de este mundo.”

Translated: “I’m simply another inhabitant of this world.”

