Your Kisses

First of a collection of poems by Luigi, a poet and member of the SOAS catering staff.

Valeria Racu
2 min readFeb 19, 2018


Your kisses are not simple kisses,
they are the expression of the most sublime love.
Your kisses are warm, tender, sincere and full of passion, and make
me burst like a volcano, emitting
its burning lava in a frenetic
explosion of joy.

Your kisses are not simple kisses… your kisses are
perfumed and flavoured with the most
exquisite honey, which my thirsty mouth needs in order to extinguish
the immense thirst of you.

Your kisses are not simple kisses, they open the
doors to heavenly paradise, dragging me in a frenetic journey where my senses
loose control in light of such charm.

Your kisses are not simple kisses, they are blessings to me,
because they extinguish the thirst provoked by my
wandering around the arid and hot desert of my sad days.

Tus Besos

Tus besos no son simples besos,
son la expresión más sublime de tu amor.
Tus besos son cálidos, tiernos, sinceros y pletóricos de pasión, que hacen
que mi ser estalle como un volcán, arrojando
su lava ardiente en frenética
explosión de gozo.

Tus besos no son simples besos…, tus besos son
perfumados y con sabor de la más
exquisita miel, que mi boca sedienta, necesita para apagar la
sed inmensa de tenerte.

Tus besos no son simples besos, ellos me abren las
Puertas del paraíso celestial, arrastrándome en un viaje frenético en donde mis sentidos
pierden su control ante tanto encanto.

Tus besos no son simples besos, son ellos bendiciones para mí,
porque apagan la sed que me provoca
deambular por el desierto árido y caluroso de mis días tristes.

Translation by Valeria Racu.

About the author

We asked Luigi to tell us a bit about himself. This is what he told us to write:

“Simplemente soy un habitante más de este mundo.”

Translated: “I’m simply another inhabitant of this world.”

