Do You Know What Power Lies In You?

I have a theory

Story Taller
Stories to Grow
Nov 28, 2021


“Stories constitute the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal.” — Dr. Howard Gardner, professor at Harvard University

Photo by Monika Kozub on Unsplash

”God made the world because He loves stories. Do you see that child who failed his exam? ”
”Who, that weirdo?”
”Yes. Now he is thinking about taking his life.”
”What? Is he crazy?”
”No, he is just very lonely. Yes, you can speak with him. Be careful what you tell and, more important, be careful what you don't tell. One day you will look back and your story could be about healing. And about goodness and kindness and the power of small gestures.

Do you know what power lies in you? The power to change the stories you touch.

Chose to be a Story Taller.



Story Taller
Stories to Grow

Writer, Tantra therapist, and Laughter Yoga teacher. I love writing about life, love, and hope. I dream about starting a holistic retreat center in Portugal. 🙂