Everyone Has A Story

Stories To Tell
Published in
1 min readNov 6, 2017

All throughout our lives we have heard nothing but stories. Our grandparents told us stories about their past, our mothers soothed our tears with stories and when we talk to each other we share our stories.

Today storytelling is a trend. Businesses think stories will help them succeed, organizations think stories will strengthen them and social organizations think stories will gather support for advocacy and campaigns.

However, if we want to transform the society we must learn to write new kinds of stories, ones that talk about the kind of world we want to create. But more importantly we must learn to to listen. I like to believe stories are a way of leading us back to us, when we listen intently we find a part of ourselves in it.

Everyone has a story, some write about it, some talk about it but mostly people keep it confined within their hearts. Today I embarked on a journey in Delhi — long way away from home to find such stories. I am hoping to meet incredible girls associated with Quest Alliance and ITI programs that would like to tell me about them.

I want to listen to these girls and bring their stories to you, it is going to change my life I know it.

