Two Strangers, One rainy night. (Pt.2)

Indu KS
Stories Unlimited
Published in
5 min readJan 19, 2017

Part 1

You have 2 new messages Rose’s voice machine read.

She played them.

“You are a bitch, you know that!” his ex-husband’s voice “Why are you even alive? Do the world a favor and kill yourself.” he screamed again.

The second message was from him too “The 3 years I spent with you was the worst time of my life. You ruined my life bitch, you ruined it! I wish I’ve never even met you.”

I wish I’ve never even met you? Rose stared at the voice machine for as long as she could remember. She called him up last night to tell him — no, request him to give their relationship one more chance.

You ruined my life. The words rang in her ears hurting her everywhere. She remembered the night she told him she was pregnant. He punched her in the stomach so hard that she started bleeding.

You’re a selfish bitch. She remembered the day he took all her money to buy a car which he “lost” the next day to a game of poker.

Do the world a favor and kill yourself. She curled up in her couch, crying until her stomach hurt. Maybe he was right. Maybe she should just kill herself and end all this pain and suffering.

As if in a trance she got up, took her coat and umbrella and stormed out of her house. She thought of calling him one last time, to say goodbye but she doubted if he’d even care. So she just stuffed her phone in her coat.

She walked in the pouring rain with an umbrella and she almost laughed at the irony — she was going to jump off a bridge into the river and she didn’t want herself to get wet.

She walked slowly as if to savor the few minutes left of her life. It took her forty five minutes to reach the bridge. she felt her body shake under all the layers of her clothes. She started to have second thoughts. She looked for any signs that suggested her otherwise, but as she didn’t find any she climbed over the railing ready to take her life.

She saw a man in a tuxedo sitting against the railing drinking wine from a bottle and she cursed under her breath. A person means a witness. Well, I can at least give it a try she thought. She first threw her wallet to see if there were any rocks or any slab underneath.

If I’m going to take my own life it might as well be without any pain.

The man made some comment about her coat and she told him to back off.

Then she threw her umbrella to see how strong the wind was.

The man asked her name and she told her. He started to make a conversation.

God! He doesn’t even let me die in peace!

She asked him his name and he replied it was Dylan. He was named after a dog!

She got intrigued, and joined in the conversation.

I mean, if an unknown man is interested to talk to her even when she looked like shit, it is sure as hell a sign to stop her from jumping right?

Dylan gave the best- man speech at his friend’s wedding. He felt like his heart was crushing looking at his first love Lily marrying his dear friend.

After the wedding he walked around looking at everyone. His dad was talking to the groom happily. His mom was drinking wine peacefully looking at the sunset.

It should have been me he thought. It should have been me up there telling the vows,telling her ‘I do.’

Unable to see the girl he loved marry his best friend he decided to get away from that place. Just as he was making his way out he heard his friends calling him. He grabbed the nearby wine bottle and told them the groom’s parents need the wine to make a toast. He made sure he was out of their sight and ran to his car started it and went as far as he could go.

As he drove along the highway, all the memories flashed before his eyes. The prom night, the sleepovers they had, the late night talks everything.

He wondered when they fell apart. they were close until high school, and then slowly life got into the way. He got busy with college; she got busy with her life. He thought of getting back together once he was out of college but he got a job offer he simply couldn’t refuse.

And by the time he was ready, she announced she was getting engaged.

The car jerked a little and came to a halt in the middle of a bridge.

It had to be now huh? he said to the car. You couldn’t have broke down at the city or something? Where I could get some help? He kicked his car.

This is the worst day of my life.

He struggled with it for sometime but he found it was no use whatsoever so he grabbed his wine sat on the railing and started drinking.

He just attended the wedding of his first love and his best friend — he was entitled to get drunk.

An hour later a woman with a yellow coat, pink heels came walking and he couldn’t help but think So this is what the physical embodiment of a glorious mess looks like.

He knew at once she came here to jump. But he saw that she was frightened. She threw her wallet first and he tried to divert her attention, so he made a comment about her coat which he felt was atrocious.

She told him to back off; clearly he got her attention so he asked her name. She said she was named after William Blake’s The sick Rose. Obviously she was not. Nobody names their kids after a depressing poem.

If a woman came in the pouring rain to jump off a bridge, how worse his day can be?

After some introductions Rose took another sip from the bottle and squirmed “God, this wine tastes aweful.”

“Then why didn’t I see you complaining all this while miss?” Dylan said slightly offended, but he knew she was right. The wine tasted like rotten grapes.

“Hey! I was about to jump okay, I would have drank it even if it was a toilet cleaner” she said

He laughed and he somehow knew that one of the most beautiful nights of his life had just begun.

If you want to know who Rose and Dylan is, you might want to check out the first part.

The story doesn’t end here, there’s also part three and four and I’ll update it next week. Stay Tuned.

If you like my story you might also like my last post — Dealing with Rejection.

Thanks for reading. Have a Happy day or night or whatever it is at your place.



Indu KS
Stories Unlimited

I just hope this will all be worth something in the end.