From Proposals to Perfection: Discover the Art of Avocado Love and Preservation

Will you avo-cuddle with me forever and ever?

Yes! I am over the moon!

Now, all I need is to track down that elusive avocado, and our destiny will be complete.

Oh, wait, why is the avocado gone?

Photo by Author Generated By images Where is that ring!!!

It held something special inside, just for you!

No, I wasn’t planning to turn it into guacamole or use it for cooking. It was meant for our avo-cuddle session!

Now, I’ll have to express my undying love to you without the fruit, but how can it ever be the same without its fruity presence?

Couples are taking their love for the green superfood to a whole new level, and instead of classic ring boxes, people are carving the pit out of the avocado and replacing it with an engagement ring to pop the question to their partners.

Photo by Author Generated By images Will you avo-cuddle me?

There are now couples using avocados to place the ring in it and propose to their intended.

Very fruity indeed!

I do hope they eat it afterwards. No, not the ring, the avocado. Waste not, want not!

My issue with shelf life

Photo by Tessa Rampersad on Unsplash Guacamole

But I have an issue with this fruit, and the problem is that it does not last long enough. I hope their marriages last longer than the avocado will! I adore avocados.

However, one of my biggest frustrations with them is their short shelf life. Despite my best efforts, they often turn brown and spoil within a day, even when stored in the fridge.

Determined to find a solution, I’ve embarked on a mission to mash this avocado problem.

So, I noticed in the local store, Iceland, that they used to sell avocados peeled and cut in half, frozen.

I did purchase these a few times, but when defrosted, they never quite came out the same, always a bit soggy and within the hour would go black.

But I am determined to find a solution as they have such good benefits.

Benefits of Avocados:

Avocados are packed with all the good stuff — fiber for a happy tummy.

Vitamins ( C, E, K, B-6) for a popping complexion, and minerals like potassium and magnesium for that extra push of vits!

They’re superfood for your brain.

With antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, they will fight that aging.

So wear it, eat it, and PROPOSE, if you must, with it!

What I Am Going to Do to Make Mine Last Longer:

Photo by eggbank on Unsplash

I am going to try and brush the avocado with lemon and see if it stops it from going brown.

I researched and found that if you mash the avocado up, add lemon and store it in an airtight container, then it should last for up to 2 to 3 days. I will try this one!

I also have read that if I put an onion in with the avocado that it will also slow the process down. So I am going to try both over the next few days and let you know.

I was thinking of pickling them, but not a fan of pickled stuff! I thought that if I made it into guacamole it would last longer, but it did not!!

Any ideas or things that work, please let me know.

By Sophia Tell!

Have a Fabulous day


Daily Mail. (2018, February 17). Avocado proposals are the latest engagement trend. Daily Mail.

