Humour/It Really Happened

Bringing Your Family Back From The Dead! All Because you Lied — What do You Do?

Stories With a Slice
2 min readJun 3, 2024


Now I have told a few porky pies to get out of a situation. Sometimes lies seem like a nice way to get out of a situation.

But in fact, they can lead you down a very long and never-ending road.

Grans Back from! Photo by Author Generated By images

For example, I gave a girl a wrong phone number deliberately as I did not want to go out with her.

I did not want to go out with her as she looked like she would beat me up! I was only 16. I know I am a coward!

I did give out a wrong number once, but that was just by accident.

Really, it was.

While I do very occasionally tell some small minor lies, I have never lied that a member of my family died to get out of a football match. Now that is just too morbid and not appropriate for me.

Heaven forbid anything would happen to them. I would never forgive myself for cursing them with my lies.

Stephen Ireland pretended that his grandmother had died in order for him to get out of a game. So he could spend some time with his lonely girlfriend in Ireland no pun intended!

Ahhhhhhhh that’s so sweet him thinking about his lonely girlfriend

Stephen get a grip man really, what about your Gran!

I just could not do that. You cannot tempt fate like that.

It was a crucial match for Ireland , and then the manager Sven-Goran Eriksson called Stephen Ireland “stupid” after the Manchester City midfielder pretended his grandmother had died in order to get out of a crucial international match.

Now I think something in life is sacred, and killing off your gran is just not on.

Really it is not.

Anyway, see what happens when you try that. Imagine all the people ringing him and sending flowers, and then he has to explain how he resurrected his gran!

What the!

Imagine you pop to the shops and see his gran and then you have a heart attack. See the chain of events. I think you get my point!

The moral of the story is please, please, please do not kill off your relatives. Some things are just not even worth saying because they are too close for comfort.

That lie will come back to haunt you!




Stories With a Slice

I write about Sports exploring success and failure, sharing insights with readers. Dedicated father and husband building my business.