Football Facts Humour

The United Kingdom Is Not That United!

Why don't we have a United Kingdom football team

Stories With a Slice


Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash


For those of you who don’t know, the United Kingdom is made up of four separate countries:
and Northern Ireland

Every corner of the United Kingdom has its football team, so in a way, each piece of land is like its own little football kingdom.

This sovereign state holds the unique distinction of potentially fielding four teams in a World Cup, yet they’ve only managed to clinch the trophy ONCE, in 1666 — sorry, I mean 1966!

A sovereign state is defined as an area which has a permanent presence and population, clear territory and a government. A sovereign state is usually “recognised” as a sovereign state by other states.

Is it fair that we have different teams?


The four countries play as separate teams in international competitions.

But why?

We are ‘United Kindom’, are we not?

So why waste time with four teams when you can have one?

Think of all the money we can save and the three national stadiums we could pull down and convert into social housing. The lack of affordable housing is a major issue in the UK.

The situation of having four teams is like a business with an ultimate goal, but each one of its departments is trying to achieve that goal on its own.

Photo by Medienstürmer on Unsplash

The problem is …

They all were once independent nations at one time and have a long history of playing as separate teams. They were not the United Kingdom!

Fans insist on separate teams because they relish supporting their own, not some mishmash UK squad!

Besides how would the English understand what the Scottish are saying? Just kidding!


This was not the case in 2012 when the Olympics had a joint UK team, which was not that good anyway.

They lost in the quarter-finals. So maybe it is best if we stay apart in football!

Anyway, the four countries have different football cultures.

For instance, football is widely popular in England, with many professional clubs, whereas in Scotland, there are fewer professional clubs, but football is still popular.

However, football is less popular in Northern Ireland and Wales compared to other sports such as rugby.

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash Rugby

Some people believe that if there were a UK football team, it would likely only include players from England and Scotland, as the other two teams aren’t as strong.

While there are valid reasons why a UK team doesn’t currently exist, it’s conceivable that circumstances could change in the future.

However, it’s probably not going to happen!

Therefore, the obstacles lie in the decisions made by a select group of individuals across the nations and the inability of millions of football fans to decide United Kingdom or Not!

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Stories With a Slice

I write about Sports exploring success and failure, sharing insights with readers. Dedicated father and husband building my business.