Our Democracy Must Not Die

Why Taiwan’s youths are worried their freedom of expression and very futures are at stake

Benedict Young


Taiwanese people are rising up around the country in a movement lead by young people. In what has been dubbed the “Sunflower Revolution” they are protesting the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement, a Taiwan-China legislature that many fear will undermine Taiwan’s democracy and hurt the island’s economy. Young people are afraid the human rights and freedom of expression they hold so dearly will be threatened if the communist Chinese government is allowed to dominate them. They are also concerned for their future job prospects, seeing the deal as a way to effectively sell Taiwan’s assets and economy to their powerful neighbour, who has made no bones about their desire to seize control of Taiwan, by force if necessary.

“Selling your country for personal gain”
*The last Chinese character also contains a joke about deer antlers. President Ma Ying-Jeou recently became a laughing stock for saying that deer antlers are the hair that grows out from a deer’s ears.

Young people took to the streets with banners and slogans around the country, while in the capital Taipei hundreds of students have stormed and continue to occupy the parliament building.

The vast majority of protestors are peaceful and thoughtful young people; mainly students who are normally more concerned with their…

