Photo credits: World Bank.

A Day with Refugee Children

Hanusha Durganaudu (Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia)

Stories For Humanity
2 min readNov 14, 2016


Today, we were asked to entertain a group of refugee children as part of our service learning activity. To be honest, I was not sure on what to expect when I first met them. Questions were running through my mind like water from the tap. How do I communicate with them? Do they know English? Will they listen to me? However, all these questions ceased to haunt my mind after I started to interact with them. They are sweet children and they seem to be genuinely interested in the simple experiments which we were demonstrating to them. When I asked one of the girl, Anna about her ambitions, she told me that she wants to become a doctor! In the end, I think this kids ended up teaching me more important stuff than what we taught them, the value of perseverance and responsibility.

Excerpt from #FrontièresWalls — Volume 1 Issue 1 of STORIES. Full text available in the print publication.



Stories For Humanity

We believe that there is nothing more powerful than communication.